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    • #16740
      colin in brum

      I’m back, we had a great time in Egypt.  The hotel was good, food plentiful and weather hot.  Got a bit of scuba diving in and also some amazing snorkelling.  We were REALLY lucky, one day things didnt go as smoothly as they might have done and a dive trip got cancelled at last minute.  We’d got up at about 7am to go on it as well but the car taking the air tanks to the boat broke down.  We werent going to let that spoil things so spent day by pool and did same thing the next day.  Now thing is the next day a pod of dolphoins swam past boat – we just slipped over the side and snorkelled above about 40 of them!  Got some amazing underwater photos and video.  My wife took a photo and there are that many dolphins in it and so close that it looks like its blurred!  Its not, just an amazing photo.  If we had dived on intended day we wouldnt have seen them.
      A brilliant holiday.  When I was gambling I would only have dreamt of a holiday like that and would have thought I needed to win a jackpot to have it – in fact all I had to do was STOP gambling.
      My mum is visiting this week so will be pretty busy, then its back to work for college enrollment next week.  Life is good.

    • #16741

      Hey Colin,
      sounds like a lovely holiday!  I love dolphins, would love to swim with them someday.   Keep enjoying life 🙂

    • #16742

      Originally posted by Colin In Brum

      I’m back, we had a great time in Egypt. …
      Life is good.

      Welcome back Colin, I am happy for you and your family; happy to know that by living gambling free we can build memories instead of piling up regrets.
      Not too much need be added about the success of your trip; other then sharing in the daily details, the few words above shout out that you are enjoying life living gambling free.

      "Day Two Is Another Day Behind" – With the help of a Higher Power, My 3G’s – God, GA, and GT, I will continue to be  gambling free.– 8/24/2010 2:25:36 AM: post edited by paul315.

    • #16743

      Sounds like a fantastic vacation!  Good for you!  I love hearing stories of the great things life has to offer when we choose not to waste our hard earned money gambling.  You worked hard on your recovery and deserve every good thing that’s come your way! I’m very happy for you.

    • #16744

      Imagine putting all that on a postcard Colin….and all because I don’t gamble….

    • #16745
      female g

      So glad to see the progress you’ve made to be apart of life instead of ignoring it. Jumping right in and enjoying a holiday that could never have materilized if you were still gambling.  Glad you shared the wonderful details and what an adventure.G

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