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This journal is the only place that I can be honest and open with my struggles with gambling.

After going abstinence for some time, I normally get very anxious and impatience that my saving is growing too slowly and wish it was more. I will panic and try to fix the situation with gambling.

Having access to money, opportunity to gamble and time put me at risk of gambling. Some people say we are not bad people, we just have an illness while some people say we are not bad people, we just made some bad choices.

I have stop gambling long enough to save up a humble amount of money. I have never saved this amount of money the hard way before, because every time when I was near to this amount, I start gambling.

I do not want to repeat this mistake again. I have asked for help and someone is safekeeping this money for me.

1. I need to be honest and not leave any loopholes for me to gamble today.
2. I need to remove any risk and stay away from danger today.
3. I only need to stop gambling today.
4. I only need to stick to the plan all the way to the end today.
5. Tomorrow, I do the same.
6. Take one day at a time.