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Qualifies as the most insane day of the year and coincides with it being the shortest day too, we move towards the light from today onwards. Hurrah.
Today, mislaid my purse and then went to the shops without my bank card. On the bus on the way a mentally unwell teen kept shouting news stories verbatim about stabbings. I felt quite sick when i got off. I get home with my son having a row with my ex and my ex drags me into it. My son wants him to own how abusive he was and he never will, saying my son is gaslighting him. I reel off about ten occasions when he was abusive to me and say my son is right but really you must mov on both of you. I then get called a whore basically. I don’t feel engaged wit it or angry, I find it vaguely amusing that he is dragging things up from 25 years ago. He then texts and eventually gives up saying we were done a long time ago. Yes, that’s right,I say. Calling me that, just like my dad did as a young girl when I have been as pure as the driven snow for nearly nine years ago. He left it saying I will leave you to your prayers, his way of ridiculing my higher power and faith in Jesus. Honestly was a Palava.
Then my sister texts to say her husband, nick, has deteriorated and has been put into a side room, they don’t think it is just type 1 diAbetes now. It doesn’t sound good, and I tell her to have courage,that it may be an infection on top. But I have had a feeling. The energy everywhere is quite insane.i really feel things like that.
My son and I then cleared the front room put a new rug down, he did all the heavy bits and we put the tree up for the first time in decades. Omg, it looks so amazing,I decorated it and then just sat and stared at it. It made me very happy.
Cooked a roast duck dinner, the grandkids came home from a party and had a sane telecon with Pete.
Bonkers day, but oh my, my tree is lovely.

The back is getting better but aches, my shopping bags were very light today, can’t do that again.