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Hello my friend
Keep on keeping busy! Add some loud and triumphant music to your day like "i am woman hear me roar" LOL, or that cool blackeyed peas song thats out at the mo. (cant remember the name right now…) I love that one its SO upbeat!
Totally agree Fester has a nerve chasing Dames for results (after 15 years of withholding), and anyway she should get results from the lab same as you guys i would assume! Anyway, dont dwell on fester. Waste of energy you could be putting in elsewhere!
81 days!!!!? Awesome! You wont let this put you back.
You are so right, you will know when you know… so go and enjoy your day!
Much love and light (hands in the air with ya!)
meg xxxx"We are each of us angels with only one wing…  we can only fly by embracing each other"