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Originally posted by kathryn in reply to a runninggirl post.

… I know it seems that i have just stopped, made the decision and that is that.
                   —— your story —— 
… That is when i realised that i had truly had enough.  I hated my life and everything about it and it was time to change.  That was on June 10th this year. 
… my strength and resolve not to return to that horrible person i was is so strong and is at the front of my mind all the time. …
… What i do know, is that i am so much happier
Dear Kathryn, I just read your post to RG an have to respond to it.  First, this is the first I have read of your gambling story, I have not read all your post from the beginning so it is a good chance that I missed it. I have read about you life during your recovery but not this.  You have came a long way.
Change a few adjectives and your story about how you reached your decision is mine. So is the report on your resolve, we share that also. We also share in living a happier life.  The biggest difference is that I have to say, "That was on August 13th this year" I had to live an additional two months in the hell we shared.
Keep your awareness fresh, and continue acting on your resolve.  I pray that we both do the same.
God bless.

"Day Two Is Now, Another Day Behind" — With the help of a Higher Power, My 3G’s — God, GA, and GT, I will not have to relive a Day 2.— 12/17/2009 12:23:58 PM: post edited by paul315.