Originally posted by kathryn
Hi All,
…the good news, actually the best news is that today i havent gambled for 4 months. …
… In the grand sceme of things its just another day, i didnt gamble today. I wake up each day and say those words, and do my best to live each day as it comes, …
Kathryn xx
Fighting the good fight…One day at a time
You are to be commended of your achievement. I like the way you phrased your announcement "… the best news is that today i havent gambled for 4 months. …". You could have merely said, the best news is that i havent gambled for 4 months; but, your acknowledgment that "today" was part of your achievement, alone with your additional comment of "In the grand sceme of things its just another day", speaks well of your understanding of how to stay gambling free.
I have found this truth to be my strongest defense — our journey must be One Day At A Time. I also know that when others, such as you, reach a notable milestone, that knowledge of this gives the rest of us encouragement and faith in our own beliefs that we too can reach our goal. Thank you for letting us share in, and benefit from, your good news.
Best wishes and God’s speed on the continuation of your journey.Larry"Day Two is Still a Day Away" — With the help of a Higher Power, My 3G’s — God, GA, and GT, I will not have to relive a Day 2.