- Acest subiect are 62 de răspunsuri, 8 opinii și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 4 zile, 20 de ore de iamhere.
30 iulie 2024 la 9:28 am #201065iamhereParticipant
I feel a sense of despair and relief finding this forum. Not feeling alone, is nice.
My story goes back about 10 years now. Insane to think that’s how long this has been going one for. I’ve been able to go long periods of time without gambling, and then I fall back into it. I feel exhausted, mentally and physically from this. I am 35 now. And 35 thousand in debt.
I know that’s not a large amount of money, but I make good money, and I’ve been able to kind of hover in and out of debt over the last 10 years. Which is probably part of the problem. But I feel just exhausted, and I want a different life.
I know I’ll write more. But I just wanted to write something, before I didn’t. I know this support group is what I need.
Thanks for reading this rambling mess.. I appreciate all and any words of advice and encouragement.
11 august 2024 la 4:09 am #201777iamhereParticipant
Well, thought id check in. I haven’t gambled since my first post.
I still haven’t let up the feeling of disappointment/disgust I have towards my actions. Better that I don’t forget, or pretend it didn’t happen. Ugh
I shall continue to work on myself and staying gamble free. Current and future me deserves the best version of myself. . And the gambling version is the worst version of myself!
15 august 2024 la 6:15 am #201961iamhereParticipant
I find that my gambling comes in spurts. I find the gaps of time I can go between can be long, months really. But, it’s when I do gamble that the lack of control is very real. I’m just determined to go the distance this time, and when it even crosses my mind to just remind myself of the version I want to be.
I’d hate to do this any longer than i already have, and to waste any more time. To lose the moments that could be treasured memories with my family or even the financial relief I’d have. Gambling will take all my joy, the love, memories and time from me. . . And for what? It always ends in financial despair at some point.
Onwards – to another day 🙏
20 august 2024 la 4:12 am #203257iamhereParticipant
Well hello world,
I’ve been keeping pretty strong and steady knowing this path I’m on. I’ve been doing well not feeding the habit, although the debt I’ve acquired from this makes it tempting to want to try to „win it back”. . Im smart enough to know that’s not going to happen. I’ll continue to starve this addiction till is no longer lives and ill be free of its sharp talons…
If this is the basement level, only way out is up, and I want that roof top view.
21 august 2024 la 10:51 pm #203342CallmecrazyParticipant
Hi iamhere,
I know the burden of remorse that comes with gambling debt and loosing insane amounts of money to casinos.
The fact of the matter is, casino lords are predators and they make themselves extremely rich exploiting the misery of others. I myself don’t believe in occasional gamblers, there is no such thing. These businesses don’t live off of somebody’s 50 dollars/ euros here and there. They would go bankrupt in a second. The less we feed them, the sooner they’ll go away and they will eventually.
I got a little sidetracked, but what I wanted to say about your 35 k debt, as a possible strategy to help you više, is can you trick your mind into believing you invested that money into a business that went sour?
Tons of people invest into businesses that fail. They open a carwash, a laundromat, a bar, a diner, a petshop…whatever… and they go into debt and fail. These people brush off and carry on, they don’t linger and fester over the loss as gamblers do. This is because deep down we know we’ve been lured and tricked and we’re unable to forgive ourselves.
So if you trick your mind your loss was an investment into a business that failed no different than a laundromat, you might be able to get over the loss quicker.
A lie repeated many times becomes truth. „I invested into a business opportunity that backfired and crashed. Time to move on and look for something else.”
That’s one strategy that might help.
22 august 2024 la 3:34 am #203353iamhereParticipant
Hi Callmecrazy!
Thanks for posting! I was starting to feel a little lonely on my journal page.
Reading that made me smirk, it definitely takes the edge off when you think of it that way. 🫣🤔
As each day passes I feel grateful to be further away from my last bet. At times I find it so hard to align with that version of myself that just so whimsically threw away that money. So stupid.
How long have you been gamble free?
22 august 2024 la 3:07 pm #203392CallmecrazyParticipant
Just think of it as an investment into a business that didn’t work out and move on. You thought you could make money selling hot-dogs but it backfired. No big deal. Many businessmen failed before they made it.
I’ve been gambling the past few days pretty much all the time. Before that I stop for 2-3 weeks and then slip and get angry for loosing yet again and then I spiral into the abyss of trying to win something, anything. Hence I deposit larger amounts and spin and never win. I play bets 1-3 euro, when I go bezeerk I play 10. I lost 100 k in 4 months doing that.
For me it’s not even a matter of gambling or not, it’s about wheter I want to continue living or not. Honestly I don’t want to anymore, too much trauma and lonliness and bad luck but I’m afraid if I don’t, I’ll have to come back to this world in another form and repeat the same karma over again.
23 august 2024 la 4:03 am #203417iamhereParticipant
Why not fill your time with something else, you know you have trauma. We all do, just different degrees. Why not focus on healing? Finding that inner peace?
I read some of your old posts. Do u still have property with your sister? Not all is lost. Perhaps if you join the fight you can quit for good too!!
Only way out it up. There’s a lot od stairs.. but I’m going to take each one!
Did you gamble today?
23 august 2024 la 9:54 am #203434CallmecrazyParticipant
I’ve tried so many times, I’m sick of it. I also suffer from ahedonia and depression and my anxiety is of the roof. I can’t find joy in anything and worry alo the time.
Yes, I own a half in two moderately large houses, have 25 k debt and 15 k cash, don’t have a job but I have a side hustle. I’m so lost and diseased, I have ne idea if 15k is enough money to start over at all for the twentieth time.
24 august 2024 la 3:46 am #203462iamhereParticipant
Well Callmecrazy,
Let’s start with day 1. I don’t think throwing your life away is the best plan. Is there nothing you want to see or do?
What brings on your anxiety ?? Have you tried meditation?
24 august 2024 la 12:44 pm #203469CallmecrazyParticipant
I would like to find a job that is at least bearable to go to but no one seems to be hiring. My last experience had been traumatizing, barely anyone talked to me and I hardly have an idea as to why. I suppose it was due to my narcisstic co-worker hating my guts the moment she saw me and she seemed to be running the place.
That’s one thing that makes me anxious and mad. I have a large circle of friends and bond well with them but the minute I enter an unfamiliar group, the toxic person there hates my guts and starts the backstabbing.
Then there is the boss that doesn’t talk to me at all. No „Good morning”, „Merry Christmas”, no feedback. I just don’t get it. Then I’m lost as to weather approach him or stay out of his way.
That’s another thing that gets me anxious, I have no idea how to navigate such relationships.
I am a person of the old world, where a handshake and my word means something.
So that’s another thing that makes me anxious, I just don’t fit in.
Needless to say I quit that job.
Before that I had a relatively successful career in one corporate firm for 17 years, and as long as I carried the amount of work pertaining to 3 people and was able to put up with the harassment, I sustained it.
Then my mother got sick with Alzheimer’s and my father started drinking and abusing her more than he had ever abused her (and he was abusive all his life, controlling and a ticking time bomb) until I couldn’t stand watching anymore so I quit my job partly to take care of her in full, partly because my gambling had spiralled so out of control I was giving every paycheck to the casinos.
Both died a month and a half later. First my mother, then my father the morning of her funeral. I often think how he wouldn’t let himself rest before he destroyed her and me in the process. I don’t think he let her have the day of her funeral for herself.
The worst part is I loved him. It makes me mad as hell.
Then my egoistical estranged sibling came in for her share of the inheritance, leaving me to cover all the costs of their deaths (funerals and residue bills) myself. She spent her money on a lawyer to go after their estates which I hold half of, hence to go after me.
That’s another thing that makes me angry and bitter and anxious: I was so loyal. God doesn’t reward people like me and neither does the casino.
Then there is the thing about no one around me needing to work, my sister spends her time at the pool while her husband works morning to night, my mother was retired early and my father was the provider, my cousin works from home but I don’t see him working ever. He sleeps till noon and spends his day thinking about his meals, while I was overworked and burdened with responsabilities far greater than I could handle. That makes me angry and anxious too because I have no idea how to set my life in such a way.
I haven’t had a boyfriend in 15 years, and I’m not a bad looking woman and I’m not a drama queen, so there must be something terribly wrong with me, I just don’t understand it.
Basically, I’m a mess and I wouldn’t know how to meditate.
I would also like to be born again into a family that is supportive and cares for me, not to be their solely for their needs.
I would also like to be told I’m worthy and not that I wouldn’t amount to anything, which I haven’t.
I’m truly a mess. I’m really really sorry.
24 august 2024 la 12:54 pm #203470CallmecrazyParticipant
I tutor children English and they seem to like me very much, so there is that one positive aspect of my life.
25 august 2024 la 3:53 am #203497iamhereParticipant
I am truly sorry that these things have all happened to you. I obviously don’t know you, but I want to support you, and encourage you, and be here for you.
The disappointment upon disappointment you feel has layered itself in your life. BUT- this doesn’t define you, this isn’t you, and I really hope you don’t allow these narratives to dictate your existence.
I’m sorry about your mom, I know it was traumatic for you, but what a gift you were able to give your mom. To be there for her when she needed someone the most. At the end of the day that’s what life is really about, everything else is just fluff and garbage.
I don’t know your age, but i am a 35 years old. Female as well. And I’d like to be here for you, and perhaps you could be here for me..
I think tutoring is great! Kids are the future. It takes one person to help change a kids life, and you’re helping do that. Which is amazing.
I also want you to know you are enough, you can overcome this, you deserve and deserved better. So let’s accomplish that. We both have better things to do with our lives.
Do you have any pets? Hobbies? What kind of work did you do in the corporate world?
25 august 2024 la 2:47 pm #203513CallmecrazyParticipant
I have a dog and my cat died 20 days ago which really spiraled my gambling.
I also have two horses which I’m pretty sure I’ll need to sell. Had them for 14 years. They’re elderly now so I’m not sure I’ll be able to find a good home for them.
I worked almost everything, from finance to internal control to procurement and middle management.
I’m 45, female.
I’m a good tennis player and know how to train horses. I was a child with dreams once and pursued hobbies and passions. Partially because I was talented as a child and good at things, partially because I wanted to please my father who always expected the best results without many investments. So I’m good at many things but don’t excel at anything.
I enjoy playing tennis but spending money on training bothers me, unlike giving tens of thousands of euros to casinos.
I had the money to change my life and reprogram my brain but I gave the money to the casino.
26 august 2024 la 4:44 am #203545iamhereParticipant
What’s your dogs name? It’s tough when we lose pets, was your kitty older?
Sounds like you live on a farm, or at least some land. Why are u wanting to rehome them ?
Well, sounds like you’re pretty educated and knowledgeable. I feel like you could definitely get back into the corporate world.. if you wanted to. I mean, sounds soul sucking, but I am sure the pay is good. Your tutoring you’re doing, is that fulltime? Or just on the side?
You should pay for tennis lessons. Invest in something that will make you happy. You’re worth that.
I was reading today about positive affirmations and retraining the subconscious mind to retrain the brain to abstain from the urge/desire to gamble. I can’t believe that gambling has come into my life and has taken so much time from me. I don’t understand how I’ve gone back to it, knowing how disruptive and life crushing it is. I just know I can’t do it anymore.
- Acest răspuns a fost modificat acum 6 luni, 2 săptămâni de către iamhere.
27 august 2024 la 12:23 pm #203379vladagrParticipant
Hi iamhere, glad to here that you finally recognized your gambling addiction and that you started moving forward 😀
Let me get straight to the point, I know that it can be difficult to comprehend that you threw away that much money, I myself was in the same situation (lost 15k but in my country that is a lot of money 😂). I told my parents which was the toughest thing I did in my whole life but after that started treatment with their support. After I started treatment I started looking at things differently as every day went by. I started feeling thankful that it ended on 15k as I realized that if I continued with my addiction it would probably lead to a much worse scenario. I guess my point is that you should forget about that money and feel grateful that you have a new opportunity to start your life gamble free.
The first thing that they teach us in therapy is that we have to make plans for each day, detailed plans that would stop us from having spare time as spare time is addicts worst enemy, it gives you time to think about gambling. I think that might help you a lot especially in the beginning.
27 august 2024 la 12:23 pm #203410jaiaParticipant
I am praying you overcome this demon called addiction
28 august 2024 la 3:12 am #203650iamhereParticipant
Hi vladagr,
Thanks for taking the time to write to me.
How has your recovery been so far?I thought about those last few sentences you wrote all day. I totally agree, staying busy and having a laid out plan for the day is key.
Money is just money. I know I’ll have this paid off sooner than later, but that’s not the issue. So working on my time as well as working on reprogramming my mindset and trying to be more conscious with my day vs. Subconscious living!
What else have you learnt with treatment?
Thanks again 🙏🙂
30 august 2024 la 4:43 am #203755iamhereParticipant
Thought id pop on to leave a note. Seems pretty quiet on the forum over the last few days.🦗 I hope everyone is doing well.
I’ve been doing my positive affirmations, my mindset I’m working on changing to never want to gamble again! I pretty much am working on killing that version of myself that has gambled senselessly. 😊
Staying busy, went to the ocean today. Had an ice cream cone. Got sand in my toes. It was a nice day.
Tomorrow will be another good day… and so on. ❤️
31 august 2024 la 5:21 am #203810iamhereParticipant
Had another busy day at work, which is great. Grateful for my career.
I just finished reading this insanely tragic story on reddit about this man who lost 800k. His posts starts in 2021 and goes until 2023. With every post I read I felt sicker and sicker, I felt the devastation and my stomach turned thinking what this addiction can do. He lost his wife, his child, in so much debt.. I hope he’s ok wherever he is now on his journey. Just more motivation to never NEVER go back to this.
I’ve been doing well on not getting the urge to gamble..keeping busy. Working on being more conscious every day.
Saw this quote today:
You must let the pain visit
You must allow it to teach you
You must not allow it to overstay.For me – the pain is the guilt and disappointment I have for my actions for getting into this 35k debt.
I am learning from my actions. I’m working on the conscious aspect of my brain, daily affirmations. Staying busy, getting educated.
BUT I’m not going to let the guilt/disappointment (pain) convince me to try and „win it back” or pretent this money didn’t matter.Well, off to bed I go.
I hope whoever reads these words finds some strength in them.
- Acest răspuns a fost modificat acum 6 luni, O săptămână de către iamhere.
1 septembrie 2024 la 5:53 am #203857iamhereParticipant
A whole month with out gambling. Feeling good about that. Onto the next.
Staying busy, continuing to focus on my goals, paying this debt off, and continuing to educate myself on my triggers and the effects gambling has on my brain!
It’s a lot easier when I stay busy and don’t have time to be „bored” to gamble. Every time I even think about the idea, my stomach turns. I think of all the stories I’ve read, I think of all the things the money I’ve wasted could have bought. I am repulsed by the idea of it, I hope this is the trend that sticks moving forward!
2 septembrie 2024 la 12:15 am #203888iamhereParticipant
Well, had a great day! Lots of fun in the sun. At home resting and I all of a sudden felt the urge to gamble. I thought about it really hard, „oh maybe I’ll just play the demo mode of my fav game”.. the itch was real. Then I decided to go to reddit and look up the sub I always read. Started reading some posts, someone wrote this in response to someone:
„Just realize all wins are future loses and more. Whenever u gamble u just give Ur money away, only the pace is unknown. Stop wasting Ur money, exclude and never come back. And remember u won’t win a penny. U will lose EVERYTHING u bet. Dunno, write a reminder for urself that u will lose EVERYTHING u bet, and read it as many times as needed, especially when urge arises.”
After reading this 5 times, and reminding myself I HATE the version of myself during and after gambling. Came on here, to write in my journal…now I’m going to go clean the kitchen.
F-off gambling, I’m over you.
K – bye for now!
- Acest răspuns a fost modificat acum 6 luni, O săptămână de către iamhere.
3 septembrie 2024 la 1:14 am #203930iamhereParticipant
Now go for a walk, read this as many times as you need and take a decision to never play again.
Be a strong human for you, your family and each one of us who suffered in that place”
Another post I read that is a strong reminder to keep going in the right direction.
Feeling good, working hard, plan to pay this debt off within the year. Grateful for that.Another day with more to be grateful for than the last.
Hope everyone is continuing to work on themselves and see progress in doing so.
4 septembrie 2024 la 5:41 am #203977iamhereParticipant
Hello journal,
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been starting to feel a little disappointed with coming on here lately. I had to take a minute and ask myself why? And I guess the answer to that is I was hopeful/had an expectation that there would be more people to interact with. Then I asked myself why? – why is this important to me?.. I think that’s where I get some clarity, I was expecting just a bit more of a support group.❤️
I won’t be coming on here with the hope someone has posted or, perhaps just checking in. I shall continue on my journey as I am. Hopefully someone will read my entries and find strength and know that quitting gambling is 100% doable! Cause… it’s happening!!
Ok.. so I finally cracked open the course I started the other month. Philosophy.. God why would I choose this course lol. I sat down with a heating pad on my neck, a cup of hot herbal tea and I read a few chapters. It was quiet, calm, and it was nice.
Did my morning affirmations, said 5 things I’m grateful for in my life, reminded myself of my goals and dreams and what I want my life to look like. Had a good day at work, did some laundry, watched a show, and made dinner. All-in-all pretty solid Tuesday.. only thing missing was dessert!
Tomorrow I’ll be another day stronger and another day further from my last bet. 😊
Night night!
4 septembrie 2024 la 8:15 am #203982asdfghostParticipant
Glad to hear you’re doing well. This forum is not very active in general, especially nowadays. It gets like that from time to time, there was even a shutdown for almost a week this summer. Evidently, there was a lotta activity here in the past: support groups, live support, etc. All is gone but this very forum. Still something I guess. I’ve missed all the opportunity to take part in said above, so can’t really tell. Groups, for instance, died in December last year.
Philosophy… might be interesting if only you’re into that. I’ve never really understood its purpose, my preferences always were the technical sciences. The last few years showed me that this world can be incredibly surreal at times. I’m starting to think it makes some sense to search for complicated answers in meta-sciences like philosophy.
You seem to be fighting quite well with your addiction. I wish you good luck, never give up!
5 septembrie 2024 la 3:42 am #204025iamhereParticipant
Ahhh, makes sense. I’m a little late to the party. Seems like this place was a great support hub at some point. 🫣
Yess, philosophy, I have a degree and all that jazz already, just working on another one. Out of all the courses to choose, I thought this would be fun 😆😆. I’m more science based as well.
Have you started your new job?? If so, how’s it going? How’s your journey going?
Another day no gambling over here! 😊
5 septembrie 2024 la 12:51 pm #204047asdfghostParticipant
It’s starting today. I’ll write about it in my journal later. As for the “journey”, I can’t call it that, seriously, but it’s been about 10 days gamble-free.
6 septembrie 2024 la 5:14 am #204085iamhereParticipant
It’s been soo hot here this week, I am looking forward to next week when it’s cooler!
The last couple of days I’ve been working on my appreciation for money. I feel like when I was gambling it lost all value and meaning to me. Like how could I spend thousands of dollars, yet hesitate to buy things that have a much smaller monetary value.. its not the loss of the money that truly upsets me, it’s what that money and time could have afforded me. So that’s been a pill to swallow, but at the same time it’s been important.
Things I’d have rather spent 35k on… a boat, a new vehicle, a handful of vacations, new flooring for my house.. all the things. Gambling is truly a nightmare.
Another day onwards, another day further from my last bet! ❤️
7 septembrie 2024 la 6:50 am #204406iamhereParticipant
Well hello Friday! I had a busy and productive week this week. Worked hard, did some consistent work on myself, started a philosophy course, went to the ocean a couple of times, had some icecream, watched a movie, made dinners.. it was a good week ❤️
Still one day further from that last bet, grateful for that. I know I will never gamble again. 😊
Till tomorrow, good night
8 septembrie 2024 la 1:56 am #204439iamhereParticipant
Callmecrazy! You’re back! I’ve been thinking about you, worrying about you and sending you all the love. I’m glad you popped by.
It won’t let me reply on your feed – I don’t know who or why it was reported.. probably some spam person.. seems to be a lot of that stuff coming up lately.I wish I knew what to say, or knew a way to help. I know it’s hard to get out of the mindset you’re in, you just have to find something good worth living for, money comes and goes. You still have to much life to live. You’re smart – you just need one job, not 6. ❤️
I’m here if you ever wanna chat ❤️❤️
8 septembrie 2024 la 4:23 am #204442iamhereParticipant
Had a marvelous lazy Saturday. I honestly wanted to get so much stuff done, but decided I wanted to go for a walk and watch a couple of movies instead. Much better decision.
I just finished reading this posting in reddit. The way this person has written her story encapsulated gambling addiction to a T.
I'm Tired, I'm Devastated, I'm Dead
byu/Ok_Resolution2568 inproblemgamblingWho ever is reading this if you have time, give it a read.
Man this addiction is brutal. Every day I stay away is a better day. This will not be the story of my life. I am actively making that choice.
Good night world!
9 septembrie 2024 la 3:30 am #204484iamhereParticipant
Gahh, today was long and hard. Woke up just on the wrong side of the bed (as they say). I’ve had a headache for most of the day, felt blahhh. Did some cleaning around the house, some laundry, I have yet some things to finish up for work this week.
A successful day in the sense that I didn’t spend a penny on a useless bet! So that’s a win in it’s self ❤️. 40 days strong 💪 😳
10 septembrie 2024 la 5:43 am #204536iamhereParticipant
Mondays, I’ve never really loved Mondays. I don’t know why really. It’s not that it’s the start of the week, because I can control my work schedule.. just something about a Monday.
Today was fine, worked, did some of my philosophy course, ate, cleaned, laundry.. really just a mundane Monday.
Today is day 41, doesn’t seem like much, but every day I’m taking one more step in the right direction, I hope everyone else is too ❤️.
Night night.
11 septembrie 2024 la 6:33 am #204587iamhereParticipant
42 days.
Starting to feel the shame and guilt really settle in as my CC bills roll in and I see the interest rate charge. A part of me is in disbelief of what I’ve done. What ugly mess. I know I’ll pay it off within the year, but what an utter disgusting waste of money. Money I work hard for, money that could have gone to a million different and better things. I hate this feeling, but I know I need to really go through this to know the depth of my decisions.
Aside from thinking about the CC debt I’ve acquired, my day was pretty good. Worked, had a massage, did some philosophy, and yeah just a better day in general, definitely more productive without gambling in it!!
I do find at times I need to read positive stories of other gamblers that have been successful in kicking it, it’s so empowering. . I then read the sad stories and messages from the thousands of people on reddit that are in complete despair. We are all in the same boat, trying to stay-a-float, and overcome this addiction. But – there is hope and this is all apart of my success story. ❤️
Well off to bed I go!
12 septembrie 2024 la 4:45 am #204650iamhereParticipant
Day 43.
Well what a busy Wednesday – one of those days where you go go go.. and yet it feels like you didn’t do as much as you had planned.
I signed up for a 5:15am workout class tomorrow. I have to be there for 4:50 am. Seemed like a great idea when I signed up for it.. now I’m questioning it all 🤣🤣. Rather get a workout done in the morning, I already feel the burn!! Wish me luck!
I’ve been feeling less and less thoughts and urges to gamble as the days pass. I still have moments thay surface throughout my days that are filled with incredible guilt and disbelief of the money I’ve spent. As much as I dislike it, I need to acknowledge the value of the money I’ve lost. It’s a lot of money.
I have a vacation coming up to go to Arizona. One that I don’t believe I deserve or should be going on due to this money I’ve spent/lost. Such a mental mind game, definitely a lot if shame on my end.
I just remind myself that everyone’s journey is different, gambling has been one hell of a pot 🕳 hole, but this won’t be my life story. A small blip in the grand scheme of it all.
Till tomorrow! ❤️
13 septembrie 2024 la 11:24 pm #204741iamhereParticipant
Day 45.
Wow there’s a lot of spam on this site? Whose in charge of moderating these things? Are they on vacation? Or just don’t give a sh*t? Some have been sitting and waiting for dayssss.
I guess this site is really that inactive. That sucks.
I have been finding as the days go along my head is getting clearer. The hard facts of what’s done are real. Crazy how much of a fog gambling puts you in. Makes you have this messed up relationship with money, like it has no value. I have been working hard and should see a good chunk of this debt gone in a few months, but so f-ed up working this hard to throw money away.. gambling. So stupid. Definitely glad I’m never NEVER gambling again. The clearer my head gets the more real the situation is.
Looking forward to the weekend, the work week was busy. It’ll be nice to have some down time. It’s supposed to rain, which I don’t mind. The house could always use some cleaning.
Well hopefully the spam stops so people can utilize the site more. .
15 septembrie 2024 la 6:13 am #204789iamhereParticipant
Day 46
What a packed day. Definitely looking fwd to sleeping in tomorrow. I have a full day tomorrow too. Cleaning, grocery shopping, re-organizint some things.. ugh I hate cleaning the bathrooms.🫣🫣
I have been going strong. I haven’t had many urges or thoughts about gambling in the last week or so. Still just more thoughts of frustration towards my choices. Clarity is good, responsibility is needed and an appreciation for money needs to be re-gained. All the parts of my journey.
I hope whoever may be reading this (if anyone) just knows gambling doesn’t have to be apart of your life. We just have to make the decision to stop. One day at a time. ❤️
- Acest răspuns a fost modificat acum 5 luni, 3 săptămâni de către iamhere.
16 septembrie 2024 la 5:03 am #204839iamhereParticipant
DAY 47.
I got so much cleaning done, lots of laundry/bedding done. Re-organized a few things. Cleaned one of the bathrooms. Crazy how cleaning literally never ends. I can appreciate the minimalistic lifestyle approach!!
I worked on som crafty things this evening. I’m hosting a party for a family member next week. Needed to do some vinyl things with my cricut. Meticulous/time consuming stuff, but looks so good after 😍.
It was a good day, a day spent without gambling, and without the urge to do so. Each day I’m that much stronger, that much more committed to not feeding this addiction. 💪
Till tomorrow. ❤️
20 septembrie 2024 la 6:23 am #205020iamhereParticipant
Day 50
Well it’s been a cpl days since I’ve last written. I thought I’d take a break from posting daily. This site seems to be taken over by spam, and I guess who ever is operating it – isn’t too bothered 😢🫣
I haven’t been counting days, I had to look at my last post to see what day I was at – so thats been good. I’ve been focusing on my 5 gratitudes a day 🙌, my affirmations, staying busy with work and really being cognizant of the clarity my brain has been having not gambling!
I heard an ad on the radio today about online gambling. Literally made me cringe, I have read so so so many stories where lives have been pretty much destroyed by this addiction. . You don’t hear radios advertising drugs.. because you can’t see a gambling addiction and the awareness is much less, people have really no empathy for gambling addicts. I’ve also read many positive recovery stories, and those mixed with the bad have also been important for my mental clarity. The house always wins, you will never walk away with any money, and the time you waste, the memories you gave up making. . Those you’ll never get back.
I shall continue onwards, working on myself, focusing on what I have not what I don’t have, putting value back to money as well as giving myself some grace and patience as the mess I’ve made will not be fixed over night.
I hope everyone is doing well, another day gamble free! ❤️
21 septembrie 2024 la 9:27 pm #205095Dark EnergyParticipant
congratulations on your 50th day, wish you all the best in your recovery.
23 septembrie 2024 la 7:45 am #205161ttmrtnParticipant
Your last post made my day. This is exactly how I think. Every word of it is true. Everyday we are getting stronger. Thank you.
Congrats on your 50th day. One day at a time!
23 septembrie 2024 la 12:52 pm #205166asdfghostParticipant
I’ll join in the congratulations! Fifty days gamble free is huge. Hope you’ll be writing more, cause there’ll always be at least one person regularly checking your thread and taking inspiration from it.
23 septembrie 2024 la 9:55 pm #205188iamhereParticipant
Day 53!
Wowww!! Hi everyone! Thank you all for taking the time to write. It’s been feeling pretty lonely on this site. I’m glad to know there are a few of us checking in. ❤️
I think now I have been starting to feel the depth of the debt. More so, I think I also realize I’m a bit impatient. The random „maybe I could gamble my money back” thought has crossed my mind – not gonna lie. BUT I feel my head space has been so clear since I’ve been truly working on being more conscious.. I realize „what a stupid thought that is”.. who actually believes you can win your money back?? Answer: a gambling addict. Definitely has been grounding and very real letting that soak in. .. I won’t be gambling to win my money back, and I know the road to pay this off won’t be long, but will feel like an eternity. gambling will never be an option or even ever an answer to a problem.
It’s raining today. I finished work this morning, came home cleaned up.. now going to go work on this philosophy course!! 😅🫣
I hope everyone continues going forward one day at a time. ❤️❤️
- Acest răspuns a fost modificat acum 5 luni, 2 săptămâni de către iamhere.
24 septembrie 2024 la 4:49 am #205195iamhereParticipant
Read this post today…
If you received $1,000,000 right now, would that make your craving go away.
The answer is: No.
You would still want to gamble and now you have an amount with which you can bet amazingly high stakes.
Imagining that high…
This is you addiction. Money isn’t the problem and it definitely isn’t the solution.
You’re fucked up, do something about that. Invest in some self-growth.
26 septembrie 2024 la 3:17 am #205286iamhereParticipant
Day 55.
„Keep showing up” that’s what we all have to do. Keep showing up – better, and stronger than the day before. 💪👏🙌
I know my triggers, and it seems to be ‘boredom’, so when my weakest moments arise, what do I do? Remind myself what my future will look like If I place one more bet. I don’t want gambling to be apart of my life, let alone the story of my demise. So, I shall keep showing up, every day. Better and stronger than the last… I dare you to too ❤️❤️
27 septembrie 2024 la 5:42 am #205337iamhereParticipant
Day 56.
I wasn’t planning on posting tonight.
I was having a disagreement with my partner tonight, and the discussion about money came to the surface in regards to how we would afford something that really was avoidable, and how this expense would be a lot for our household. More so- like what a waste of money. He looked at me and said: „do you know what’s a waste of money? Gambling, and I never say anything to you”.
Now in this moment, I wanted to say a lot, about how I make more than him, and I provide more for the household, or perhaps something like.. its my money I spend. BUT, that wasn’t needed, those things would have been said out of defense, and anger. The reality is.. he’s right, and I needed to own that, and I let him have the last words, because there was nothing more that needed to be said.
I fucked up. 100%. But I’m showing up, I’m going to do the work, and I know I will NEVER gamble again.
30 septembrie 2024 la 6:12 am #205452iamhereParticipant
Day 61!
Apparently I was off by a few days, thank goodness for good ol’ google. The date stamp on this site always throws me off – I’m in Canada.
Fall has finally arrived. I’m heading on a trip in a few days for about a week. Looking forward to it, but also feeling like fml.. wish I didn’t gamble 35k away before a trip. The reality of it all still sucks.
I think the biggest thing that blows my mind right now is how my train of thought before would validate and support my gambling addiction. Like, depositing hundreds of dollars at a time thinking I’d win what I deposited before and more. Or, how money had little to no value, yet spending it on daily things I was frugal about. Or how everytime I’d gamble (after I had promised myself I wouldn’t).. I’d tell myself it’s ok, no big deal.. or how I thought gambling would solve all my problems. . Yet it has caused them all. I know I’m only 61 days in, but I am still 100% sure I will never gamble again. I feel it in my bones! 🤣❤️
With all that being said, I am feeling the struggle and the pain of my choices, but I’m really trying to be present in them, and process all of it.
Each day I think of gambling less and less. I’m staying busy, staying focused, working hard! When I get back from my trip I’ll be joining a gym! 💪👌
I hope everyone is continuing their fight and moving forward ❤️❤️🙏
2 octombrie 2024 la 6:00 am #205560iamhereParticipant
👋 👋 👋
I booked my trip to Arizona at the beginning of this year. Hard to believe I’ll be on the plane in a cpl of days. It’s 41 degrees Celsius there, I might roast! As much as I was dreading/upset/disappointed/frustrated … all the things with myself about the money I wasted.. im coming around go feeling ok, and I’m looking forward to the „reset”.
Still going strong on not gambling, still working on myself and staying motivated and driven on the big picture. It’s getting easier. I read posts on reddit often, reading people post on how they hit rock bottom is terrifying. I’ve never gambled to the point I can’t pay my bills or mortgage. I’ve never dipped into my business account. I know the future for me if I don’t committ to quitting can only get worse and potentially lead to that. „Success is my only motherfuckin option, failure’s not”
Well, if anyone is out there checking in 👋, I hope you’re doing well and fighting this fight with me. ❤️❤️
2 octombrie 2024 la 8:59 am #205566asdfghostParticipant
Glad you’re doing alright, I wish you a nice trip out there! I’m having a good time myself, my birthday has just passed, and the month-long mark of gamble-free period has, too! I fulfilled my own promise to myself, no betting in September. I did it!!!
4 octombrie 2024 la 1:12 pm #205650asdfghostParticipant
Many thanks! We’ve had a family evening together, both my parents, younger ones and I. Happens quite rare.
I wrote a new post in my journal (yes, no betting in October)!
14 octombrie 2024 la 6:54 am #206082iamhereParticipant
Well hello everyone (anyone)
Man, this site has become overrun by just spam messages. I feel like whomever was „taking care” of this site has gone on vacation and forgot to return 😂😂.
Things are still moving forward. I’ve been soo busy with work, school, life I haven’t given myself much time to think about gambling. It comes into my mind when I think about this debt I’m paying off, lol what an idiot I am/was. Oh well, all apart of the journey. 🤔🫣
I’m going to be joining a gym. This will be great for mental clarity, stress, getting some endorphins streaming through my blood!
Still working on this philosophy course-almost done an essay. 👍Well i hope everyone is doing well. ❤️
20 octombrie 2024 la 5:32 am #206351iamhereParticipant
Well, needless to say this place has been deserted by the creators. Kind of shitty.
Anyways, just wanted to check in, all is well. Continuing the grind. Paying off debt weekly. Last month I paid off about $4000.00 of it, definitely is a shitty reality. What a waste of money, literally makes me shake my head and roll my eyes 👀.
Another day forward, and further from the last!
I hope everyone is well 🙏
20 octombrie 2024 la 1:18 pm #206363asdfghostParticipant
Glad to hear from you! The amount of your debt is unthinkable to me, although in my opinion, you’re doing great by paying it off and not gambling. It’ll be over soon enough, and you’ll be able to spend money on your own life.
Gym is neat, I’m going there myself every so often (just finished my latest training actually). I’m paying for it „on my own” starting from this month, before that my father was. I have enough money to pay for such things now that he’s giving me for the classes with my young brother. It’s not much, yet it allowed me to completely stop begging my parents for money. Once and for all. But I need to find a real job. I needed to do so *a lot* earlier, I’ve wasted insane amount of time on nothing. I don’t have a possibility to spend time anymore, if I want my life to continue being somewhat well. I mentioned the reasons before. This country is cursed, and the time is ticking.
13 noiembrie 2024 la 9:18 pm #207530maverick.Participant
Keep plodding away iamhere, you are doing great and as you know on the right path, it is hard and we have all wasted so much time and money, the important thing is not to waste any more moving forward, keep up the great effort and wish you well, enjoy life it doesn’t last forever !
12 decembrie 2024 la 5:37 am #208943iamhereParticipant
Well hello again,
I’ve taken a break from checking in as often as I was. Seems the spam hasn’t stopped. BUT it is nice to have a place to just write and it be out there.. somewhere.. where someone may just read it ..
I’ve been trucking along, debt is getting paid down. Working away. Finished my philosophy course – super happy about that!! What an interesting course that was. I shall not be taking another 😅😅
Still going gamble free. Not too sure what day I’m at at this point. Mental clarity is real, definitely never gambling again. I feel like I was in some trance of life .. hard to explain. I almost feel like that version of myself is so far removed from who I am and who I want to be. . It really is interesting how gambling alters the chemistry in your brain!!
I hope everyone here is doing well, keeping on the straight and narrow (as they say).
Merry Christmas everyone.
🙌❤️🎄🎅 -
28 februarie 2025 la 5:38 am #214118iamhereParticipant
Hi All!
Hard to believe it’s almost March 2025!!
Happy to report I’ve been maintaining a gamble free existence.
I’ve done a lot of investigation into thesevoff shore casinos. Hard to believe i was so mentally foggy to think these sites were legit. It’s like I had no senses to me..
I found a group that has pages and pages of information on these third party vendors these off shore casinos use. I managed to get over 10k refunded directly! Amazing when you bring up money laundering how they quickly refund… it’s really opened my eyes to these casinos really being shady and how if you ever did win.. they never would have paid out..
I know I will never gamble again!!
I hope everyone else is continuing on their journey!!
28 februarie 2025 la 10:29 pm #214178asdfghostParticipant
Hey iamhere,
Glad to see you back here. Congrats with such a long gamble free period. Has it been… 7 months? That’s huge. Seriously.
I’m hoping to hear from you more often, even though this forum is heavily abandoned it’s still worth it to post your thoughts once or twice in a while.
So, in that regard, thank you for posting! 🙂 -
6 martie 2025 la 4:32 am #214652iamhereParticipant
Yesss, it’s been awhile now. Honestly the thought of gambling almost gives me anxiety. It’s like the thought of losing money scares me, whereas before, it’s like I had no fear of losing it. It was like money held no value when I was gambling. Each day that passes, I get that much stronger, that much more ahead.
6 martie 2025 la 8:30 pm #214742asdfghostParticipant
I even envy you a bit. That must feel amazing to live each day without a tiny bit of worry about wasting money, time, and losing your mind in such a destructive activity that kills you, slowly but surely. I wish I had much more reasons to enjoy the days passing by, not wasting the time I have, these little pennies that I got not even via a serious job experience, and rapidly degrading due to overload of videogames and lack of intelligent thoughts the brain of mine.
Sorry for the complaining, I just feel like I’m missing the purpose in anything little bit more than before.
7 martie 2025 la 4:57 am #214766iamhereParticipant
I read somewhere that the owing money and having debt is passive stress and gambling is active stress. I really gravitated to this. I owe some money still on my credit cards, but the anxiety and stress that brings me is far less than the idea of gambling again. I don’t know how I ever thought I would win, and If I did, how much would enough be?
Asdfghost – your whole world is one big ball of possibilities. Stop wallowing in your sadness over a few poor decisions. These choices you made were in the past, keep taking steps in the right direction. Don’t let this dictate your whole life, and ruin each day. Look at the bigger picture here, you are capable of sculpting your life into anything you want it to be… don’t let some dumb choices you made in your early 20’s be the story of your whole life. That would be a tragedy. ❤️❤️
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