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Day 56.

I wasn’t planning on posting tonight.

I was having a disagreement with my partner tonight, and the discussion about money came to the surface in regards to how we would afford something that really was avoidable, and how this expense would be a lot for our household. More so- like what a waste of money. He looked at me and said: „do you know what’s a waste of money? Gambling, and I never say anything to you”.

Now in this moment, I wanted to say a lot, about how I make more than him, and I provide more for the household, or perhaps something like.. its my money I spend. BUT, that wasn’t needed, those things would have been said out of defense, and anger. The reality is.. he’s right, and I needed to own that, and I let him have the last words, because there was nothing more that needed to be said.

I fucked up. 100%. But I’m showing up, I’m going to do the work, and I know I will NEVER gamble again.
