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    • #10911

      i need help to rid me of this desease, i am low very low if it wernt for my 9 year old son well ive definately considered suicide but i couldnt do it to him, so please please help me pleasewat it ezzzzz

    • #10912

      sorry havent been on here for a while but great news 9.5 days no illness!!!!!!

    • #10913

      Hi Drdre
      Thank you for posting on the Gambling Therapy forum and congratulations on your 9.5 gambling free days!! As you are a GB resident you are entitled to free online support through the Gamcare website at .
      You could also consider residential treatment which you can find out more about by following the below link:
      Gambling Therapy are not funded to support individuals from Great Britain so can I suggest that you now copy and paste your post into one of the Gamcare forums where you will receive responses from others in a similar situation to you from all over Great Britain.
      You can also access online or face to face group support through Gamblers Anonymous:
      We wish you well in your recovery.
      Kind Regards
      The Gambling Therapy Team

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