- This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 5 months ago by Anonymous.
21 września 2014 at 11:41 am #26571NRG72Participant
Hi Everyone,
I really don’t know where to start. I am a single Mom raising two wonderful children. (They have no idea about my gambling problem…no one does)…I have a job, fabulous kids, and a great family… however dysfunctional we may all be.:) lol … Truthfully, the only major problem I have is that I don’t make enough money to support my family…so I turn to gambling hoping I will win and it will help…because that has happened sometimes…but what a joke in reality…If I had never gambled to begin with I think I might actually have some money in a savings account. What a concept!;)…My gambling has really gotten out of control recently…I hadn’t gambled in two and a half months…then boom I went and I’ve lost every dollar I have…I don’t know what I’m going to do…my daughter wanted to go on a trip to Europe with her school for spring break and I gambled away the money my grandma had gifted to her that was supposed to go towards the trip…I’m an awful Mom, an awful person, and so selfish!!! I don’t know how I’m going to live with this one…I’m not sure how to stop gambling…because I can go months with out gambling and then all of a sudden I will go out of the blue…so the day at a time thing doesn’t seem to apply…maybe it does…it’s just that I don’t think about gambling every second of everyday…I just tend to get a wild hair every so often and blow everything…what do I do?? I don’t know how to recover financially…because even if I stop gambling all together…I never have enough money…I’m so confused and I’m sure this post is all over the place…any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated. I’m scared, feel very alone, and lost.
21 września 2014 at 6:07 pm #26572NRG72Participant
Awww the lovely morning after a horrible night of gambling!:(…I feel so ashamed…My kids have no idea but I still have a hard time facing them…I am such a horrible Mom to waste what little money I do have on a hope and a prayer…I don’t understand why I keep doing this to myself. I keep reading posts and researching gambling hoping there is some quick fix…maybe that’s what gambling is to me a hope that it could be a quick fix to my financial troubles. WHAT A JOKE!…I just wish I didn’t have to worry every second of everyday about my finances…it’s not all from gambling…I just don’t make enough to cover the basics…it’s so frustrating…as I’m writing this I’m feeling like I’m not being completely honest…and if I can’t be honest here where can I be?…So, let’s start over…If I didn’t gamble…I would have had thousands of dollars in my bank account after my summer job(I have summers off because I work at a school) …now I have nothing…negative nothing!!…I wouldn’t have overdraft fees and no money for my daughters trip…and bills waiting to be paid. I don’t make enough throughout the school year but my summer job helps me get through the winter if I don’t gamble it away….Now I’m in big trouble…bills won’t be paid, no trip for my daughter, no Christmas….blah, blah….UUUggghhh! I want to stop…but feel like I’m not strong enough…WOW! I’m pathetic…
21 września 2014 at 6:29 pm #26573danjmarshParticipant
Hello I identify with this post so much from all to nothing in one night. Plus I am short of money as it is and as it always is we are the battlers making the rich richer, good luck to you and your family I am about to start a family and I know how gamble free it really needs to be so this dowsnt happen but it was only monday that I gambled my life away once again from a rich $150 to a balance in the negative of over $800. How rude but I was directed here by my old gambling website so hopefully something good comes out of it, I gambled and drank from a young age and was told by a wiser teacher that gambling and alcohol runined his familys life so here I am trying to start a family alcohol and gamble free.
ZGood luck to me when I know the cards are stacked against me I am a battler and will battle right on through this to the other side where prosperity and a new life begins.
Thanks to all the supporters out there and generally anyone who gives a shit.
21 września 2014 at 6:38 pm #26574AnonymousGuest
Hi NRG72.. We all know that horrible feeling. That feeling that i have realky really blown It this time. I am little more relaxed because I took money from my sons account to tide me over. Next month we go on a family holiday.. I think I might just have managed not to ruin that one.
You don’t know why you are doing this NRG?the reason is you have crossed the line from fun gambming to compulsive gambling. U may not think about it a the time. This might be because you don’t have money or access all the time… Or maybe the addiction hasnt gotten hold of you so badly yet. If that is the case please take this warning seriously GET OUT STAY OUT … Gambling will bring you nothing but pain.
You gambled last night so I understand you are in a panic right now.wait for a few days and when u are thinking more clearly you will find a way to deal with your current problem. Christmas is about creating an atmosphere as much as it is about gifts.
When the panic sets in we can’t think clearly.There might be a way you could pay a little each month towards the spring break or something you could sell!
I have been living so frugally but still it costs a fortune to keep a home. I earn good money but instead of spending it in my child I give it to a wealthy casino owner to spend on his children. But I do know despite all I have raised a happy content child.. Children need our time and our attention. I know gambling robs us of the ability to give our children real attention because we are so worried all the time.. But you know NRG I am making the point that we have all made mistakes.
How do you make sure it doesn’t happen again. Have barriers in place so you can’t get access. Self bar from the casino.. Only carry small amounts of cash etc. join GA and get support..etc.
Well done on taking the first step in coming here.. I believe you have the will and determination to conquer it. Imagine You will be free of gambing soon. Last night was the last night !!
22 września 2014 at 9:14 am #26575DuncKeymaster
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties youre currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if youre new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. Were in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like youre not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
And on that note….
Im going to hand you over to our community because Im sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our
privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
24 września 2014 at 6:27 am #26576NRG72Participant
thank you! it’s so nice to know that there are other people out there that have or are going through the same thing…that they aren’t judging me…I hope things are going well for you. 🙂
24 września 2014 at 6:33 am #26577NRG72Participant
Thanks Sad for the reply…I love the line „last night was the last night!!”…I know it’s silly but I’ve been repeating that to myself over and over!:) lol…I was wondering a few things…I don’t want to tell my family…I’ve noticed most people on here say you should. Also, I don’t have anybody I would trust to hand over my bank account to…what are some other options…I never use checks…just my debit card…do you know if you can block your card from cash/atm withdrawals but still be able to use it for purchases at grocery store/ gas stations etc…if you have time any advice would be great. 🙂
24 września 2014 at 7:06 am #26578NRG72Participant
So it’s been three days…I can’t handle the financial stress anymore. I keep trying to find a job that would actually pay the bills. I really don’t have that many…I don’t have credit cards. I really just have the basics: Rent, car pymt., w/s/g, electric, cable, phone, food, clothing, and all the extra costs that come with kids in school!:)…but it really isn’t huge when I hear about some of the bills others have…I just don’t make very much during the school year. I really don’t want to go back to banking. I got out of it after about 10 years in 2010…after the banking industry hit an all time low. I just couldn’t do it anymore…(although, it was consistent pay and 40 hours a week). So, I reinvented myself.:) haha I got my commercial drivers license and now drive a school bus during the school year and drive a water truck, sweeper, or dump truck for a construction company in the summer.(Sometimes heavy equipment) 🙂 haha I never thought I would do something like what I am doing now. Anyways, my point is that something with my work needs to change and I’m not sure what to do…I feel if I can’t figure it out I’m just going to stay in this rut forever…I feel like if I made enough I wouldn’t have such big urges to gamble…am I lying to myself?…I haven’t had many urges in three days…but…I also don’t have any money. HAHA I get paid once a month on the last day of the month…and I already know it is not enough to pay the bills for the month…before I have paid the rent and taken the rest to the casino to see if I could turn it into enough to pay the bills…we ALL know how that usually turned out. 7 more days until payday. hoping I don’t do that this time! So, I need to go to the casinos and exclude myself. I need to talk to the bank and see if I can get my debit card to be blocked from all atm/cash withdrawals but still be able to use it for purchases (wonder why I procrastinate doing what I need to do…does it mean I’m not ready to quit yet? afraid? embarrassed? so many questions and not very many answers) I don’t have checks or credit cards so I’m good there. I don’t have anyone I trust to turn my finances over to…has anyone been in the same situation? any suggestions?…I’m not very patient…I just want to be better NOW! I just want enough to pay the bills NOW! I feel like the financial stress and gambling have turned me into a completely different person. I used to be so giving and constantly thinking of others and what I can do for them. NOW…all I think about is myself and where I’m going to get enough money for bills, food, gas etc…FRUSTRATION!! well enough rambling for tonight I should get to bed…for those of you that read my ramblings…THANK YOU! have a great gf night everyone!!:)
27 września 2014 at 5:42 am #26579NRG72Participant
Kids went to the high school football game…now going to friends to spend the night…I got a bunch of fees reversed at the bank and some money came in for a cookie dough fundraiser I fronted money for…so guess what I want to do?…it’s not a lot of money but enough for me to say hmmmm…should I try?..I know I don’t really want to go…but the little devil in my head says you’ve won jackpots on less…ugh…anyone out there? I need to chat…living minute by minute…
27 września 2014 at 8:56 pm #26580veraParticipant
Want to know how to double your money, NRG?
Fold it in two and put it in your pocket!!!CGs N E V E R win!
15 października 2014 at 1:37 am #26581AnonymousGuest
Hi NRG, I was just wondering how things are going with you. I had been following your post but was so deeply in crisis I don’t think I got around to writing on it but we spoke in chat I think! So I have managed to stop. Over a month now ,but i find temptation starting to kick in.. Going to buy a loaf of bread means temptation from lottery tickets etc.. I hope u are still doing good.. Post and let us know how things are going.0
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