- Dette emnet har 40 svar, 10 deltakere, og ble sist oppdatert 7 år, 9 måneder siden av charles.
7 april 2017 klokken 7:44 am #37391CraigS83Deltaker
Hi everyone, I’ve just signed up to this this morning so it’s all a bit new to me.
Yesterday I lost the last of my wages to the fobt’s in the bookies, I’m devastated.
I got introduced to gambling close to 10 year’s ago now and it has easily been the worst thing I have ever done.
I work nightshift and earn a good wage but every month is the same. I get paid, pay my bills, my debts etc then throw the rest of the money away in the bookies.
I don’t have much left every month because my debts are quite high so I try to win some extra £.
Every single month I struggle financially and it’s all down to gambling.
I am losing everything to it and it’s killing me.I used to be someone who was fit and healthy, gym 5 time’s a week, eating well etc but now I don’t exercise and eat whatever is cheapest out the shop because all my money is spent paying back debts or gambled away.
Today is yet again day 1, this must be my final day 1 as I can’t take this much longer.
I have a good job, a home and an amazing girlfriend so I am very lucky in that sense but it’s the gambling that is killing me. Only one of my friends knows how bad it is and that’s only because he doe’s exactly the same.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks -
7 april 2017 klokken 11:38 am #37393CraigS83Deltaker
Thanks for replying, it really does mean alot to know I’m not alone with this.
I’ve never had an issue with online betting,I done it once and for some reason never bothered with it again, it’s always in the bookies that it happens.
I’ve self excluded from absolutely everywhere local including one independent bookmakers.
I went back into that particular bookies a few weeks after self excluding, the staff member approached me and instead of telling me I was excluded and to leave he told me that he had tore up my self exclusion form and I was free to use his betting shop anytime I liked.
If he had told me to get out the embarrassment alone would have made me leave however since that day I have lost scary amounts of money in his shop. They couldn’t have cared less that I had self excluded. I have now given that place an absolute fortune back. I hate it.Everybody just wants the money I’ve worked so hard for.
Can I ask,what is longest you have went without a gamble?
I went roughly 4 weeks once and it felt incredible, I wish I had never went back to it. -
7 april 2017 klokken 12:58 pm #37395CraigS83Deltaker
Im constantly thinking of how long it’s going to take to get out of this mess, it really is scary how much time this is going to take but I guess the more time away from gambling the easier it should become.
After losing everything yesterday I’ve woke up to a letter saying my bills are going up, typical.
Howcome the focus doesn’t kick in until after losing? It’s always the same.Yesterday set me back month’s and I got absolutely no enjoyment out of it.
I have goals in life that are constantly being put off because of this.
I understand what you are saying about not feeling happy and I think it’s important to always remember feeling this way, gambling has done this to us and it’s time to say no more.I heard someone say if you get knocked down always land on your back because if you can look up you can get up.
That sticks with me big time. It’s honestly time to let all of this go and start getting our lives back on track. It’ll take time but it’ll be worth it.
Craig -
8 april 2017 klokken 6:29 pm #37396CraigS83Deltaker
Day 2 and It’s grand national day.I haven’t placed a bet so feeling a little better about thing’s. So angry at myself for losing so much money over the year’s, I know I can’t ever allow myself to gamble again. I think some day’s the thought’s are going to enter my head to do it but luckily that hasn’t happened today.
The test will come when the wages go in next week, but I’m feeling confident for a change. -
10 april 2017 klokken 9:24 am #37397DuncNøkkelmester
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
10 april 2017 klokken 11:42 am #37398CraigS83Deltaker
So it’s day 4,I’m not thinking of gambling but more of how much I’ve thrown away. Off work for 2 week’s and it’s going to be very quiet time’s from now on.
Now I’m starting to realise what I should have been doing with my money.
Missing out on life because of this. Feel like crap today -
10 april 2017 klokken 1:39 pm #37399kingsterDeltaker
Some very valuable advice i was given when i was in Gordon Moody Rehab, a bad day will only last 24 hours. Your making the right steps to a better life, its hard not to think what could of been what could i have done with the money creadit rating is so bad i can get anymore money, im in the same boat 2 and a half years on, but we cant change the past we can only change the future, if we dwell on things it only has a negative impact on us, i find it tough when i need to get things things go wrong, coz i could of had no problems if i didn’t gamble, but for us its hard, take one day as you can, 4 days is great, each day life dose get better, work on things, be positive give your self some time to sit reflect and make sure you make the right choices, always here for you, i feel your pain, but well don recogising the steps u need to take, I had to hit rock bottom and got rehab to make the change
10 april 2017 klokken 8:27 pm #37400charlesModerator
Hi Craig, well done on your gamble free time.
«……The test will come when the wages go in next week……»
Yes, that is always a test. It’s a test we can remove/reduce though. What barriers can you put in place? What financial accountability will you have in place? Use your awareness of the dangers, put things in place so that you can’t easily access finds to gamble with and pay day becomes just like any other day.
Keep posting.
11 april 2017 klokken 7:17 am #37401ThenewjtDeltaker
Basing from my experience- I have to agree with charles, sometimes we cgs tend to fool ourselves that weve got past our addiction or had started it, only to realize that we havent gone gambling because we dont have the money to gamble- or if not, money is too small to gamble. I guess the more difficult test is when we get past 2-4 paychecks without gambling a single penny.
11 april 2017 klokken 8:44 am #37402CraigS83Deltaker
Thank you to all that have posted, it means alot and certainly does give me alot to think about.
I have self excluded from all bookmakers in my area (actually done this month’s ago)
However one independent bookmaker told me not to worry about self exclusion as I just need to time to cool off then go back whenever I like. That was said after I had signed the documents for exclusion. I couldn’t believe what I had heard.Clearly these people couldn’t care about the well being of customers and are only thinking of the money. This independent bookmakers is where I have been gambling recently.
The next few months I have a few thing’s coming up,I’m travelling to Ireland to see my favourite band Aerosmith in June,this was booked months ago and already I know I’m going to struggle financially. It should be an event to look forward to,however maybe by the time it rolls around I’ll be a little more upbeat.
I have decided to keep a small amount of cash with me at all time and leave the bank card in the house so I don’t do anything stupid. All of my expenses must be planned in advance. I also think that alcohol can have a serious effect on me where my mindset will completely change for the worse, so that’s something that needs to go aswel.
Thenewjt, I would absolutely love to make it past 2-4 paychecks without gambling, I can’t remember the last time I made it through 1 paycheck.
Hope you all have an awesome day -
13 april 2017 klokken 4:53 am #37403CraigS83Deltaker
Well today is payday, I just received my best wage ever, however the last 2 day’s have sucked.
In 2 day’s I’ve had 3 bill increases and a pipe has burst in our garden. As it stands, I don’t have the cash to make it this month.
I was feeling good about being away from the gambling (Day7 today) but life just keeps knocking me back down.Im in some serious financial troubles.Although selling my property would clear some of the debt owed it wouldn’t clear all of it and I wouldn’t be able to get another mortgage with my current credit rating.
I’m going to have to seriously think of getting a second job.
I genuinely can’t believe the mess I am in because of gambling. I pray that in time thing’s improve but this right now isn’t a life,it’s a miserable existence -
13 april 2017 klokken 8:05 am #37404kingsterDeltaker
live is tough, i feel financial problems are the easier ones to deal with, what may seem big, you can break things down, I sold my property to pay off my debts but a a compulsive gambler you no that didn’t happen i used to to try and gamble my debts away and they just got worse, I would try and write each debt down that you have so u no how much and who to pay to, you could also then speak to your creditors and explain your situatuation and asked for reduced rate, or you could go to a chartity debt management plan like stepchange and pay what you can afford to pay and live at the same time, then you no your money goes out and debts are being paid and conscious is clean, no shame in speaking to creditors explaining your situation, if you have payday loans then their are other routes like I did you can go down and if you have let me know. I no it may seem tough and you may have a tough month now, but if you can try and deal with these like I say then by next 2-3 months things will become alot more easier . But dont delay look at your fnaicnces, speak to them speak to stepchange, its a free charity service
13 april 2017 klokken 8:40 am #37405CraigS83Deltaker
Thanks for the advice Kingster, I’ll get intouch with all creditors and Stepchange today. No point in sitting around doing nothing. Fingers crossed for some positive news. Thanks again
13 april 2017 klokken 8:52 am #37406kingsterDeltaker
your welcome mate, to be fair you could contact stepchange first and they can contact creditors for you, it certainly will make life a little easier, but if you had payday loans that were repetitive let me know, any questions feel free
13 april 2017 klokken 9:15 am #37407AnonymGjest
Hi ya Craig
I hope you’ve got a plan in place to protect your wages this month mate. It’s a lot easier to «stay strong» when your pockets and bank account is empty.
Have you told or considered telling your girlfriend how bad things are for you with regards to gambling? Maybe she could keep hold of your bank card for a few weeks.
I’ve been a CG for over 30 years Craig and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that, to me, the FOBT’s expedite this addiction like nothing else I’ve known.
My story is well documented in my previous posts so to cut a very long story a lot shorter; I had been to prison 4 times by the the time I was 25 all for thieving or deception, all the money to fund gambling in bookies, casinos and card schools. I had sort of had my fill of it and although I did still gamble like a lunatic I was reluctant to cross the line again and risk getting banged up again. I avoided casinos like the plague and went to the bookies once or twice a month if that, and I never seemed to loose too much control although in reality I must have done because I always lost too much money.
I went through a great spell when I hadn’t been in a bookies for about 18 months, this was about 2003/04. One night I tried an online casino and before I knew it I had emptied 3 bank accounts. I couldn’t wait for the bank to open so I could deposit more cash, (I was a taxi driver at the time I had the last 3 or 4 weeks takings in my safe).
To cut this short version of a long story even shorter; I came to my senses before the bank opened, I don’t think self exclusion was an option then but in any event I had decided that if I could get into that much trouble sitting in front of my computer in my own home and it was «making» me get to the stage I was dripping in sweat with the anticipation of getting money into the bank to gamble with then the computer had to go.
I took it to a second hand shop and sold it. As I came out of the shop I picked a fare up and he asked what I had been doing in the second hand shop. I told him, and I told him why. He told me about the FOBT’s and within few months Craig I was back in prison for committing a very serious fraud.
I cant say that the FOBTs turn people into CG’s (although I think that they do), but I know to a CG they are a quick fire way to rock bottom and beyond.
If whats left of your salary starts burning a hole in your pocket today, please think to yourself before it gets the better of you. Ask yourself «whats the worst thing that’ll happen if I dont get to the bookies?»
Craig, in early recovery, especially the early days our mindset changes so very quickly when we’ve had nowt in our pockets.
In the title of your thread you say «Need this to be over» Indeed you do, its no good just acknowledging that fact. Do you really want it to be over, if you do then you won’t gamble today. There is a huge difference between needing and wanting.
If you have to post every half hour to keep your mind off it then please do for your own sake, there is also live help available.
Look after yourself today mate, you just have to do what you’ve done the last 6 days, that is not to gamble, its not that hard is it.
All the best.
13 april 2017 klokken 9:35 pm #37408AnonymGjest
How’s it been today mate?
14 april 2017 klokken 11:15 am #37409CraigS83Deltaker
Hey Geordie, thanks very much for your comments. I’m pleased to say that yesterday I did not gamble, can’t remember the last time I had a payday where no money was gambled.
I headed out with a couple of friends to the pub for a few drinks, one of them started to play the fruit machines and I must admit for a second I felt tempted aswel however that feeling passed.
I would call yesterday a success. -
14 april 2017 klokken 12:35 pm #37410AnonymGjest
Mate that’s great news. First payday is always a tough day I’ve found. I work nights mate so am off to bed. Thanks for update, keep it up man,
14 april 2017 klokken 11:51 pm #37411Lynda1959Deltaker
I just joined this website John and this is my first step I’ve ever taken to stop this madness once and for all. Many times I have told myself that I would never gamble again but, nothing ever helps the urge. I tell myself «Why am I so stupid?» and «What’s the point in living in this nightmare?» I nearly lost my home a couple years ago. I went bankrupt and was given a fresh start – nearly debt free. That is where I’d like to be now but, I’m not. I’ve managed to max out credit cards once again because of my gambling. I am behind on mortgage payments, car payments, and utility bills. I’m here because I need help and I would like to help others. Lets give life a chance and take baby steps to get our lives back and be happy again. I hope in some way I can help you or anyone else, while at the same time helping myself too. Lynda (USA)
15 april 2017 klokken 12:22 am #37412AnonymGjest
I’m sorry you find yourself in this position, it is possible to change. As bad as your situation is it can get better.
To get the best support on this forum it’s better to start your own thread.
If you look on the main forum page you will see a link for «new topic». You may find the support groups a big help over the weekend.
I’m at work so havnt got time to write much more. I hope you get your own thread started. Don’t give up hope there are many successful journeys of recovery that have started off similar to yours.
I wish you well with it, take care.
18 april 2017 klokken 1:34 pm #37413CraigS83Deltaker
Just thought I would check in.
Been keeping myself busy recently so haven’t had much time to update.
Yesterday I was in Glasgow which is absolutely packed with bookmaker’s and where I have lost an absolute fortune in the past. Me and my friend would plan a day out in Glasgow and usually our plans would change as soon as we arrived.We would go to bookies, arcades and sometimes casinos where we would pretty much always lose everything we had.
Yesterday yet again I am pleased to say that even with the temptation on every corner, I did not gamble.
So today is day 12 and my focus is on finding an extra part time job so that I can earn some extra cash and start paying more onto my debts.
The focus and determination is there, time to try and reclaim my life -
20 april 2017 klokken 9:04 pm #37414CraigS83Deltaker
Today has been 2 weeks since my last gamble. I feel a little bit more in control of thing’s and pretty sure that in time thing’s will only get better.
Yesterday my friend who has the same issue and stopped the same day I did called to say he had gambled all of his money away.Devasted for him as he has told me it all could have been prevented. Talking to him after he had lost everything made me realise just how bad a grip this has on people. One mistake of placing one £2 bet on a horse ended up costing him hundreds in the machine’s. It shows me that cg’s can’t bet on anything because we won’t stop until everything is gone.
Today I did not gamble and although I am still struggling financially my mindset is getting stronger.
I hope that anybody reading this has had a fantastic gamble free day.
All the best
Craig -
21 april 2017 klokken 7:01 am #37415AnonymGjest
Mate I’m very pleased for you. I’m sorry for your mate, does he really want to stop? Have you told him about this site?
I dont have any gambling mates left except one, somebody I met in rehab. Over the years we’ve lent each other money in effect enabling each other to gamble. I think you’d be making a rod for your own back if you ever lent your mate money after he’s had a bad day, think very carefully if he ever asks.
I’m really pleased for you Craig, your quality of life must already be improving.
Great start for you nice to see.
Take care
21 april 2017 klokken 10:42 am #37416kingsterDeltaker
Hi Craig, great to here your 2 weeks have gone by gamble free, must make you feeel more happier, your friend is just a reminder that a bet simple as £2 can quickly excalate out of hand and become detremental, you could help each other, but if he is still gambling keep at arms lengh and focus on your own recovery. How did u get n talking to stepchange and your finacial companies has it helped? Hope you have a good day thanks for keeping us updto date allways here fo u
26 april 2017 klokken 8:01 pm #37417CraigS83Deltaker
Hi everyone, it’s been close to 1 week since I last posted on here so thought I better update.
I have called Stepchange and was advised of the best ways to go about clearing this debt. They recommended a Debt Management Plan which would freeze all interest on the debts I’m paying but would remain on my credit file for 6 year’s.
I have a mortgage and have been looking at selling up for a while, if I go on a dmp then I won’t get another mortgage any time soon.
I have realised that selling up would clear off 5 out of the 8 debts that I have which sounds incredible.
My girlfriend has asked me to move in with her aswel so I am definitely seeing a glimmer of hope. It all depends on how quickly I can sell up.
The last few days I have been looking at how much interest I have paid on my debts over the year’s, I was absolutely gobsmacked. These banks, credit card companies etc have taken ridiculous amounts of money in interest. My eye’s are open wider than ever.
My urges to gamble are getting less and less, I do think at time’s of how good it would be to get a nice win as it would really help out but instead of gambling,today I done my 1st car boot sale and made enough that will carry me through the next few weeks.
I was asked if I fancied a bet on the racing on Saturday, without hesitation I declined. Gambling is not an option.
Tomorrow marks 3 weeks since my last gamble and although time’s are still pretty tough I can honestly say that my motivation and confidence is at an all time high.
To anybody reading this that might be feeling down and beat by gambling trust me when I say that the longer away from it the better the mindset.
There is only one person that can turn your life around and that’s you.
No matter how bad it is right now believe me when I tell you, I’m going to make it -
27 april 2017 klokken 1:47 am #37418veraDeltaker
Well done on your 3 G- free weeks Craig and on using a Debt Management Programme to help with your repayments.
Two things you mention alarm me somewhat.
1. Selling your house.
I know a few CGs who did that «to pay off other debts».
They lost the proceeds of the sale to gambling.
2. «Moving in»with your girlfriend.
In my experience CGs love quick fixes and easy options so I would suggest caution. We need to be well advanced in recovery before taking such a serious step.
‘Just my thoughts.
Over and out. -
27 april 2017 klokken 4:47 am #37419AnonymGjest
Hi Craig
I’d like to echo what Vera says. Taking nothing away from you, you have done great so far, and long may it continue.
You’ve been a gambler for 10 years, and in your own words «Every single month I struggle financially and it’s all down to gambling».
Personally I think it would be a bad move to sell your house after only three weeks gambling free. However we are all different. There are CGs on this forum and other websites that have sold their houses to pay off gambling debts and ended up not only skint in a short period of time, but homeless too.
I appreciate your girlfriend says that you can move in with her, but again I think that may be a wrong move at this time. You say that there’s only one mate who knows of your predicament so I presume your girlfriend knows nowt about you being a CG. It would be so wrong to move on to her home mate without first telling her of your gambling addiction. Ultimately the choices are yours but for the last ten years you’ve made your own choices and look where that has left you.
You should be immensely proud for going this first three weeks in the right direction, and there is absolutely no reason why things should go tits up for you. But before you consider these two major changes why not start on a few smaller ones; getting back to the gym for instance. Talking to girlfriend about things.
I’m not trying to burst your bubble mate, and I’m certain that neither is Vera. We have both been around the block a few times and can spot the danger signs. It pays to talk and share, but sometimes that involves being told things that we don’t want to hear.
People told me I was foolish to try and tot up the interest I had paid, or owed. But I went ahead and done it. I will be in debt for the rest of my life even if I live to be a hundred years old, imagine that. Being a hundred and still paying for days out on fobts 50 years ago. Like me mate you have to accept was has happened has happened that money has gone, including the interest. That’s where gambling takes us man.
Does your girlfriend know anything at all about your gambling problem??
Listen mate no one can fault you for what you’ve achieved so far; contacting stepchange and stopping gambling brilliant.
As you say the further you distance yourself from gambling, the better your mindset I hope you wait until you quite a bit further down the road of recovery before you make drastic changes.
I hope with regards to both decisions you learn from other people’s mistakes and don’t end up learning from your own.
Take care Craig.
All the best.
27 april 2017 klokken 6:34 am #37420CraigS83Deltaker
Thanks for the advice Vera and Geordie, I definitely have alot to think about. I really don’t want to be making any mistakes.
It’s good to get someone else’s perspective on thing’s.
I’ve stayed in my property for over 10 year’s now, it’s in a town centre. Back then I was going out all the time and didn’t mind how noisy it was outside but now I can’t stand it ( I must be getting old) I would love to be somewhere a little quieter.
I was just reading on one of the forum’s about a guy who managed to stop gambling for over 10 year’s only to go back to it one night and lose a fortune. I couldn’t imagine how he must have felt.
It goes to show that this is something we’re most likely going to be fighting against forever. Just gotta take it one day at a time and try to enjoy the thing’s that really matter in life.
Again, thank you both for the advice, it is very much appreciated 🙂 -
27 april 2017 klokken 10:39 am #37421mickyDeltaker
Hi craig just been reading through your thread you have made some great positive moves in your new gamble free life , well done and keep it up one day at a time.
28 april 2017 klokken 6:10 pm #37422charlesModerator
Hi Craig, well doen on the steps that you ahve alreaady taken.
Geordie asked an important question – does your girlfriend know about your gambling? And that it is a problem?
29 april 2017 klokken 1:52 am #37423CraigS83Deltaker
Hi there, she doesn’t know about the gambling at all.Not sure how she would react knowing the real reason I struggle.
Anytime that we have been out together I haven’t gambled, for some reason I’ve never wanted to gamble when I’m with her, it’s something I couldn’t do. -
3 mai 2017 klokken 8:43 am #37424JayKay82Deltaker
Hi Craic, Thanks for your comments on my thread. Seems like you are doing well. Different things work for different people, but you have to trust yourself first. i.e. trust that you can stay away. There are many many people that have left this addiction firmly behind them and never looked back. You can too !
4 mai 2017 klokken 1:02 pm #37425CraigS83Deltaker
Good Afternoon everyone,
I had my last gamble exactly 4 week’s ago today.
Right now I’m thinking back to exactly what happened that day, it’s something I always want to remember as I believe it will play a vital part in me hopefully never returning to this horrible addiction.
I was in a local independent bookmakers playing the fobt’s and I remember instantly regretting my decision to play as I knew that I wasn’t leaving until I either had a win or all the money back that I had wasted that day.
As usual I was losing money then getting a small win which would take me just under the amount that I wanted. Overall that day I believe I lost £400. At one point I could have walked away with £380 but as most of you know this wasn’t enough, i needed the full £400 back. So for the sake of £20 I carried on and preceded to lose all my money in no time at all.
The realisation of what I had done hit me the second the balance hit zero.
Leaving the bookmakers I remember feeling completely numb,I knew that the money wasted was actually money that I needed for a trip coming up next month to head to Ireland and see Aerosmith, my friend had already booked it,I just needed to give him the money.
That day just like many other day’s after gambling I vowed never to go back.
That one moment of madness set me back roughly 3 month’s.
I was introduced to gambling roughly 10 year’s ago, it has ruined my life.
Since I started gambling I have always had time’s where I have said «never again» only to return to it a few day’s later. I have never went a full 4 week’s without before and I have to tell you all that it feels pretty damn good to be away from it.
In the last 4 week’s I have made a point of finding solutions to deal with my debts.I know that although time’s might be tough right now this is something I’m going to get through.
I have made a point of spending more time with family and friends. My parents have even commented on me appearing more upbeat and happy in life and that to me is what it’s all about. I feel I might have neglected important people in my life because of the way gambling has made me feel and most of the time I just wanted to isolate myself away from everyone. Now I genuinely can’t wait to see everyone and absolutely love to see my nephews whenever I can.That, my friends, is what is important here. Take a look at how you feel when gambling, how do you react around your loved ones after you have lost?
I’m thankful that I have finally taken a step back and that I finally know what is important in life.
I remember wanting to take my own life because of gambling, I remember having conversations with my friend after losing money about how if we walked infront of a train all our problems would be over in a second. I thank God that neither of us never took that step. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
To anybody struggling right now please believe me when I say that things do get better when you stop and take a step back.
So to all who have commented or read this journal so far,I would like to say thank you. Im hoping that my story can maybe give other’s motivation to stop.
One day at a time is all I can do so just for today my friends, I will not gamble.
Take careCraig
4 mai 2017 klokken 2:53 pm #37426AnonymGjest
Sounds great Craig, keep it up.
5 mai 2017 klokken 1:25 pm #37427kingsterDeltaker
Great post im pleased with how your feeling coping and changing, I myself have been a t a new job for year and half now, and i finally told a close friend i made there, its good to be open and honest I dont feel there is anything to be ashamed of now, life is extremely tough for lots of people out there other addictions losses and also sorts and life is tough but its how we cope with it and how we support each other. Well done Craig
13 mai 2017 klokken 12:28 pm #37428AnonymGjest
Hi ya Craig was just wondering how things are?
14 mai 2017 klokken 1:25 am #37429CraigS83Deltaker
Hey Geordie, I’m all good thanks? How’s life treating you?
I haven’t had any urges to gamble at all recently and I have made it from one wage to the next without wasting one penny which is something I haven’t done since I started gambling. It feels as though I’m leaving it further and further behind as each day passes.
Still a long way to go before I’m completely sorted out but I think I’m finally on the right track. -
14 mai 2017 klokken 6:49 am #37430AnonymGjest
Thanks for posting mate, pleased it’s all good for you. Keep touching base mate, I find it always help to keep complacency away.
I’ve had a busy couple of weeks but still here and not back there thankfully.
It’s often said,like life itself, recovery is a journey not a destination. It is an ongoing state but only enhances your life.
Keep on trucking mate.
27 mai 2017 klokken 8:43 am #37431CraigS83Deltaker
Just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing and give a little up date.
So I have just passed 50 day’s being gamble free, absolutely incredible considering I was someone that would gamble pretty much every day.
Sadly the debts are still taking its toll on me.
Me and the girlfriend have decided to move in together so that means selling my property. The problem here is that my parents believe I’ll make £1000’s when I sell up and I’ll be in good position to buy a house.
My credit rating is absolutely terrible and almost all money I make selling up will have to go on debt (still won’t be enough to clear it all)
So I’m pretty much going to be in a situation where my parents will believe I have quite a bit of cash but the reality is extremely different. Not sure what to say to them, if they were to findout the debt I’m in due to gambling it would absolutely destroy them.
I feel I do have a chance to start again but it’s going to be tough. I will have to be determined to clear the rest of my debts after selling up and get money in the bank. It will feel so deceitful if I do this without my parents having any knowledge of the financial mess that I’m in or the reasons behind it. -
30 mai 2017 klokken 2:18 pm #37432kingsterDeltaker
Hi Craig well done on the 50days im pleased for you it sa great feeeling, for me though my advice re selling the house is prior to you doing that you need to be honest and open to your parents about why you are selling the house and where the money is going, by you hiding that secret it just gives that gambling side something to feed onto, from what i learnt you need to be open an honest about everything, otherwise there is stilla hold on you, no matter how hurt people will be hiding things and covering things is no good for me now, i lead an open and honest life
1 juni 2017 klokken 7:17 pm #37433charlesModerator
Hi Craig, well done on your gamble free time. My recommendation would be to come clean with your parents.
You won’t just be presenting the problem, you will be showing them how you are going to deal with it.
Trying to keep things hidden, particularly financial things, can in itself send someone gambling.
Keep posting.
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