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I gambled I’m so disappointed in myself I couldn’t stop myself I won and lost it all and then more. 6 hours over the bingo playing the bandits. On Monday I would of done a month without a bet. I have left everyone down
I had no control I was awake all night all I could think about is going back today. I’m in such a dark head space
Brother, I feel you take a deep breath, tomorrow is a new day you will be stronger and start again. I know is difficult but you have to learn from this. I send you a lot of power and I believe in you even if you feel like you disappointed yourself.
We’re never proud that we’re gamblers and we might be all disappointed in ourselves. But we have to keep fighting it. For me, I’m trying to imagine all the loses I’ve had; the misery. When I do, somehow feel disgusted about going back to the old habit. It’s worked for 3 days now. I hope it will for the rest of my life.
Thank you. I’m still struggling but i didn’t go back. Having a really shitty time.