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Happy Australia Day!!! (I didn’t miss it, did I?  Just never know with the time difference.)  I was going to say something about putting the shrimp on the barbie, but that is just so 1990-Crocodile Dundee, so I won’t!  Anyway,  can’t chat for long because I’m meant to be job hunting.  And yes, only now at 6:29 p.m.  I spent the entire day stressing and pouting ‘cos hubby and I had a huge blow-up this morning.  We’re both under tremendous strain and unfortunately, neither of us are being very patient or rational with the other.  Then add to that extended family drama coming from my side of the family and you have an almighty mess of stress!
The idea of running to the casino still comes at the hardest of times when I feel like I’m going to burst.  But I am proud when I realize that I’ve got over yet another hurdle without giving in.  I’m actually looking forward to doing some yoga tonight.  (With all this yoga, should have that yoga butt in no time, lol!)  But first it’s the hunt, then the hours of homework (again!!) and THEN yoga.
I hope you’re having a marvellous day.  Enjoy a little sunshine for us in the grey and chilly north.
This moment is all we really have.  Be happy in it.– 26/01/2010 1:20:15 AM: post edited by runninggirl.