- This topic has 30 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 1 months ago by charles.
29 March 2020 at 5:42 pm #54690charlesModerator
Now that is a thread title i nver thought I would write!
One of the important things in recovery is fillng our gamble free time with other things. Variety is also important as we have already shown our ability to get hooked on something. So how do we do this in ” lock down” and with social distancing?
Actually there is a lot of stuff out there at the moment. Free things that are normally chargeable, Cheap things that are normally expensive, Lots of things with free trial periods that we can cancel befoe we have to pay, or decide that it is worth paying.
Free courses on just about anything, I’ve got my eye on a short story writing course that starts in a week or so.
Free exercise classes – Joe Wicks is trending big in the UK right now.
Dance classes – Oti Mabusi of Strictly come dancing fame.
If those are a bit energetic go on YouTube and look for Tai Chi for beginners. There are lots but I like the one by Don Fiore – he does it face on and mirror images what he is saying so that it is dead easy to fallow.
Loads of things like that on YouTube
Virtual tours of famous museums around the world.
Live camera feeds from various zoos
We all know the usual streaming sites for films and shows, they usually have a free trial period. There are also a few I hadn’t heard of, one speciallising in Shakespeare, Opera, ballet etc , another where you can see documentares on just about anything
Varies free book/talking book downloads
Meditation Apps
Trial periods for magazines
Theatres are streaming previously filmed shows, some ask for a donation but are basically free if you can’t afford one.
Bands and artists are doing fun stuff/streaming live music on instagram etc – google your favourite bands and take a look
Art and drawing lessons, adult colouring, some great painting by numbers.
Here are few sites that have links to various free/cheap stuff on them.
Lots of offline stuff as well of course – I am going to be doing a LOT of gardening and friends are redecorating various rooms in their house – saving them having to pay someone else to do it in many cases.
If you know any other good links or ideas please post them here. No games sites though please. We can all find our own games site and it is the other things that bring in the important variety, so we don’t get hooked on the games.
We are not “stuck at home” we are SAFE at home. Casinos and gambling establishments are closed right now, there are no live sporting events to gamble on either. Don’t sit there getting bored or tempted by online sites Don’t risking your families safety by going for a poker night at a friends. Fill your time. Take this opportunity there is a lot out there.
An added bonus is that as you search for, find and do these things you will start getting ads for similar sites. Ads that will gradually replace the not so good ads we might get because of past gambling activity. Don’t just sit there not gambling, because this lock down will end, the casinos etc will reopen and we will all still have our addiction.
29 March 2020 at 7:51 pm #54691SteevParticipant
The sites I use for learning languages are http://www.duolingo.com – which has a free option. Also http://www.italki.com – if you go to “community” you may be able to swap time in your language for the one you want to learn – for free.
There are also free online courses in lots of subjects with http://www.futurelearn.comNot sure this stuff is everyone’s idea of fun – but it could get you started … I am sure you can think of other stuff!
29 March 2020 at 8:22 pm #54692i-did-itParticipant
Ancestry. Co.uk have a free two week trial if you have ever wanted to do your family tree !
29 March 2020 at 9:46 pm #54693charlesModerator
Cooking as well. I might try and add to my two specialities lol
29 March 2020 at 10:19 pm #54694i-did-itParticipant
Allow me help you with this :
1. Pour preheated beans onto toast
2. Pierce the film and microwave for 3 minutes .
30 March 2020 at 7:05 am #54695charlesModerator
Lol IdI My current specials are casserole and cottage pie. Having done all the searching for this I am getting lots of ads. Loads of free books being put on Kindle at the moment.
31 March 2020 at 12:26 pm #54696
2 April 2020 at 10:03 pm #54697charlesModerator
This one isn’t free but it is cheaper than normal. Lots of non fiction video streams. Looks like you could find pretty much anything you are interested in. This is the one I mentioned in group IDI
2 April 2020 at 10:08 pm #54698charlesModerator
This is definitely my weekends taken care of for the next few weeks! 🙂
4 April 2020 at 7:59 pm #54699charlesModerator
As free 60 minute show, it’s brilliant
5 April 2020 at 11:16 am #54700Monica1Participant
This is very helpful info, and ta for the writing suggestion on my thread.
Whatever ones cup of tea, Your thread is much appreciated! -
12 April 2020 at 7:56 am #54701i-did-itParticipant
This might amuse some people fro a minute or two lol!
Because I can never keep ***** I have just started to use this to calculate my gamble free time. I am a bit nerdy (incase you haven’t noticed)!
From and including: Saturday, 7 September 2019
To, but not including Sunday, 12 April 2020
Result: 218 days
It is 218 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 7 months, 5 days excluding the end date.
Alternative time units
218 days can be converted to one of these units:
18,835,200 seconds
313,920 minutes
5232 hours
218 days
31 weeks and 1 day
59.73% of a common year (365 days) -
17 April 2020 at 4:59 pm #54702charlesModerator
https://youtu.be/nINQjT7Zr9w Phantom of the Opera. From 7pm tonight (UK time) for 24 hours UKsnd Ireland. 48 hours elsewhere. Enjoy
27 April 2020 at 7:06 pm #54703charlesModerator
I have to say I’m really enjoying doing/watching things I wouldn’t normally do or watch.
Adult colouring – very relaxing good way to fill thoughts.
1 May 2020 at 8:54 am #54704charlesModerator
Any KT Tunstall fans out there in lock down?
I had this on live while I was in the groups here last night. It was like having her play a gig in my lounge! Very good if you want to check it out.
5 May 2020 at 10:08 am #54705i-did-itParticipant
Hi Charles
I mixed up the group times again and gutted I missed them all. About greenhouses I think I have two options
1. Buy a small zip up one for now and see how I get on.
2 Buy one which has a base u stake into the soft ground.
This might be good because I can fit a potting table inside which would be better for my back.
All advice gratefully received .
6 May 2020 at 10:33 am #54706charlesModerator
Yes gardening is a great way to fill the time. And eating something you have grown yourself always tastes nicer. 🙂
Looking at Argos they have a walk in Greenhouse for about £50, it depends how much room you have and how much you want to grow that needs to stay in the greenhouse all year. Maybe a smaller one if it is stuff that can later go outside. Good to get the cheaper plastic version first then if it works ok and you enjoy it you could think about a more permanent fixed glass one in the future..
6 May 2020 at 1:20 pm #54707i-did-itParticipant
Thank Charles
I think that’s good idea- right now I think I will “live” in my green house but then when I am back in work full-time I’m not so sure I will feel the same – so I will test the water with the Argos one.
Much appreciated. -
6 May 2020 at 4:04 pm #54708charlesModerator
For those in the UK it is a Bank Holiday on Friday, I don’t know about elsewhere in the world. The weather looks like it is going to be great but for anyone who can’t/doesn’t want to be outside take a look at this link. Lots of VE day themed theatre stuff including a previously streamed musical.
I don’t know what it’s like but apparently it won some awards and stuff. 🙂 Stay safe.
7 May 2020 at 3:31 pm #54709veraParticipant
I would just like to say that finding “fun things in lockdown” might appeal more to members who are in long time recovery, rather than somebody who is new to GT or coming here licking raw wounds, broke, sick and devastated following yet another huge loss. As has been repeated many times “not one size fits all” so let us give a thought for the different stages of recovery. What may come across as a “fun” event for some could be like a knife in the back to many. Just my take. Over and out!!!
7 May 2020 at 10:17 pm #54710charlesModerator
Hi Vera, I take the point about the Thread title I will change it. I would say that whatever stage of recovery we are at filling our time is important.
The world is a strange place right now. Someone might have been years in recovery, filled there time with lots of great things and now BAM they are all unavailable due to “lockdown”.A newer or struggling member might be just now stopping gambling and BAM they have a massive void in their life timewise, with all the usual options unavailable.
It is always important to find ways to fill our time. Always important to find a variety of things so we don’t get hooked on something else. Never more important than the current world situation where it might not be just gambling that we are suddenly unable to do.
There are lots of support tools on this site -Threads in the Recovery Tools Forum, tools on the Gambling Therapy App the Helpline and groups as well as reading the forums and seeing the positive actions that have helped others gambling.
Help to find ways to fill our time is an important one of those tools.
8 May 2020 at 11:33 am #54711charlesModerator
I will hopefully be enjoying snacks in my garden most of the day but here are a couple of things I might check out later.
That one is for Katherine Jenkins singing Vera Lynn songs, from 6pm this evening ( UK time) but it then stays there to watch any time.
And I posted this one previously but I forgot to say this one is for today only 10am – 11.59 PM (UK time)
Have a great day and weekend all. Stay safe.
9 May 2020 at 7:25 pm #54712i-did-itParticipant
Spent all day in my greenhouse.
yes I love gardening as much as I did in childhood. I found myself cast back to our little back garden where I grew our first successful tomato plant – I had taken a tomato from the kitchen – eaten half and Planted half lol. There was no compost back then – it was plain soil or clay as we called it… and a bit of “organic” manure donated by a local farmer.
Its the loveliest feeling – watching your own “crops“ grow. It is complete freedom as I potter about with shovels of compost, seedlings, designs and dreams.
I could become obsessed – I could be joining the generations of gardening bores in my family ! Lol.
Btw the greenhouse cost £20 in Home bargains!
15 May 2020 at 2:32 pm #54713charlesModerator
This is a great tool posted by Ken2 in the Recovery Tools Forum. Not just for Lockdown just very good generally. Thanks Ken
21 May 2020 at 11:33 am #54714charlesModerator
There are some great bands and artists who have been livestreaming on the RoyalAlbertHall website. Calling it RoyalAlbertHome. They are all still there to see and listen to with some great new ones coming up. All different music tastes catered for.
23 May 2020 at 1:00 am #54715lizbeth4Participant
Actually it’s semi lock down for me. I’ve been venturing out more, of course wearing a mask and social distancing and a lot of hand washing.
My garden is thriving and I’m teaching my Granddaughter all about planting, ect. Every morning she picks the ripe strawberries and helps me water the plants.
I started reading again. So, I get that into my day.
Daily walks for exercise and for my Granddaughter to pick up pine cones and rocks. We have quite the collection.
Anything done outdoors keeps my mind off of things. -
11 June 2020 at 6:07 pm #68255
11 June 2020 at 6:10 pm #68256
30 July 2020 at 8:35 pm #68596charlesModerator
We were talking about the importance of filling our time in the groups earlier. Thought I would bump this up. 🙂
13 August 2020 at 6:50 pm #68726charlesModerator
11 January 2021 at 9:14 pm #75220charlesModerator
Just bumping this up again after a discussion in the group this evening. We might not be able to do our usual routines with lockdown/restrictions due to the virus but there is still a lot of fun stff out there. Stay safe.
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