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Libbie, glad that your trip went better than you thought!!!  I have a tendency to compare myself to others and it was one of my kids who said don’t do that, you are who you are and be proud of it.   This addiction has taken much from us in regards to our financial aspect, our self esteem etc., but think how far you have come.  You paid off a tremendous amount of debt and you are in recovery.  You have to take it one day at a time and you will get there.  You have to remember that you are worth fighting for.  I am sure that  your family may not understand the gambling addiction because I know that until it came knocking at my door I did not understand it either.  I know that I did not understand why my brother who is an ********* could not just stop drinking.  I understand so much more now.  I love him as he is now and feel nothing but compassion for him.  I know if I start to compare myself with others I end up getting down on myself, and then it would send me gambling to escape.  I am working up courage to try the cleanse that you and Sherry have been doing LOL  Have a wonderful gamble free day.One day at a time my sweet lord…