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Hi Bettie WTG on your date that slipped past quietly. I find it interesting as I am getting close to a year and I find myself not feeling elated, but fearful. I think it may be because I have been at 8 months before and blew it and now it is a new milestone. I am questioning am I in recovery or just abstaining. I know that you posted something about this in the past. Do you have a copy of it. I wonder if I am setting myself up to fail again!!!!
Enough about me, I hope that things work out okay for you at work with your new boss. It is good that you are standing up for yourself, but give your new boss a chance. Don’t take your anger at your old boss out on your new boss. Keep thinking positive thoughts and it will get better!!!
I would have loved to have come and spent time with you and Debbie. I think you two “young” things would have lead me astray though LOL I think of all the stores and bargains that I would have been able to get with you shopping. Wishing you and your cats a wonderful gamble free day!!!!