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Hi All,
Well, firstly onto the lifestyle change.  Jode and i, after a whole 2 days of it decided after our walk this morning to jump on the scales and see if anything was happening, i know, wishful thinking but guess what.  We have both lost 1.5kg!  I am absolutely gobsmacked, how can this be?  I rang my sister who informed me that it was exactly right, that the drop in carbs and the increase in protein just causes the weight to fall off.  I only have today to go, thank goodness and then tomorrow i can eat basically anything, as long as i have my protein.  Isnt that amazing?  After 4 weeks i will have to tighten the flab, but if its coming off that fast my sit ups will be a joy!
Work was great last night, a woman’s husband is a limo driver and as he had an early start today he came and picked her up in it.  Of course, we all jumped in and he took us around the block, it was hysterical.  I havent enjoyed work like that in a long time. 
My mood is pretty upbeat today, i have a whole lot of cleaning to do, but im looking forward to group this afternoon.  Brea is moping around the house, she’s depressed as she doesnt have enough work, im sure she’s expecting it to jump into her lap…good luck with that one honey!!!
Harry is also home today, the preps get Wednesday’s off for the first term and hes already asking me if he is going to school tomorrow so thats fantastic.  I feel like i havent stopped the last 2 days.  Its Baileys 11th birthday on Friday, and im so unorganised its not funny.  I have bought him a touchpad MP3 player, he loves music and Brea is going to load all his favourite songs on it so im sure he will love it.
Well, thats my update for today, i hope you are all having a good one.  Its pretty hot here at the moment, but there is a change coming tomorrow so i think i can cope!!!!
Take care, bye for now, Kathryn xxSometimes you have to step outside of the person you’ve been, and remember the person you were meant to be, the person you wanted to be, the person you are.