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Hey Kathryn,
Please find below a post I’ve just made in my (very self-indulgent!) diary thread.  But I want to make sure you see this – and understand how much you’ve helped me.  Thank you! S.  PS. I’ve put in in purple type as a tribute to the car!!
Re: (VERY) Dear Diary
Well done.  But that could so easily have been a disaster.
So the Betfilter free trial ended, and suddenly you could get to poker sites.  And you nearly played, didn’t you?  But you didn’t (and immediately bought the 1-year licence and downloaded Betfilter!!).
So instead of hating yourself in a few hours time, you can congratulate yourself on some great sense and real progress. But if I hadn’t been coming on here and getting inspired and humbled by the incredible efforts people like Marcus, Vera and Kathryn (and so many others) have made for themselves, I would have been back to square one.
Wow that was close though.  A few hours after posting to others here, I nearly slipped on my backside.  What an insult that would have been to my wife, my friends here – and to myself.
Now I’ve got betfilter, I know I can’t play that garbage, waste money – and damage myself emotionally.
That was a huge step forwards. I’m going to tell my Mrs about it later – she deserves to know I’m exercising some will, decent sense and self-respect by protecting myself (and us) in this way.
I can say no to this online poker garbage – in fact, I’m already doing it.
I’m going to put this on threads to Marcus, Vera and Kathryn…so they know how much their support and examples have done for me.