Thanks for the support FG, still fighting the urge as always one day at a time, just finished work after a long hard week, driving home and had very strong thoughts of going to have a gamble……I told myself dont be so stupid and go for a pint instead so here I am sitting by a warm log fire in a nice counrty pub having a chill out and a pint of cider……………beats throwing ££££££££ away any day of the week and I can live with spending £3.25 or even £6.50 if I stay for a second one, I am just sitting here thinking and reflecting on life tomorrow I turn 39 years old and was just thinking how things could have been different…… truth we are born, we live our life and then we pass on, it happens to us all…..the only thing that maters in what we do in our lifetime is how we treat others, there are people everywhere doing different things working different jobs, leading different lives, looking after different people, God help me always remember not to be easily angered, be quick to listen and slow to speak and most importantly love everyone.
„I am not the best person in the world and in fact I am very far from it but I promise you I am not the worse”
As always thanks for listening, I wish each and everyone of you all the very best, I just want to say I have been thinking of a few people recently that I have lost touch with and want to send you all my very best and hope you are all keeping well, you will always hold a place in my heart for one reason or another and that I will share with you all when our paths next cross, so for Sherrie, Lorraine and Jay my thoughts are often with you and I hope you all have or will find the happiness you all deserve.
Take care and speak soon.
Maverick (Lee)