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Good day everyone I haven’t been posting much lately on the site been pretty busy with work and forming a new relationship with someone new. I am moving on she has truly been understanding and supportive during my time of emotional trauma.
I am very thankful for the support I have received from those who took the time out to impart their feedback and comment on this platform. Thanks to all have read this message and felt inspired to live a healthy life.
I am more focus now on the better aspect of my life and seeking spiritual enlightenment.
I am going live my best life now and always.
I am unique and special in ways I never thought possible.
With this event that has the world’s attention I am thankful for the absolute wonder and beauty of nature and the sites of awe whenever the sunrise and sets. Moments like these are self reflection and healing. Recovery from the addiction has really inspired me to focus more on the greater things life has to offer.
The beauty of giving. The fantastic feeling of being much more healthier now. Life is great!!! So blessed thank you for your prayer. God bless everyone on the forum