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Pregledavanje 1 odgovora iz niza
  • Autor
    • #68196

      So i have not bought any lottery tickets this week yet and the most vulnerable time has passed. Hope i can say this
      nagain the same time next week. Attended groups on monday and they were helpful. Being with people like me, other
      ncompulsive gamblers, helps me alot. Get lots of reminders of things I need to utilize again to stay gamble free. Even
      nposting here reminds me that I can do it just one day at a a time.

    • #69301

      keep sharing slotjunkie it helps me, you and everyone, great to read your posts and see you around.
      nTake good care

Pregledavanje 1 odgovora iz niza
  • Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi mogli odgovoriti na ovu temu.