- Tämä aihe sisältää 49 vastaukset, 9 ääntä, ja päivitettiin viimeksi 5 vuotta, 2 kuukautta sitten Amber_Disfordone toimesta.
11 marraskuun 2019, 2:41 pm #53048Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
So I think it’s best to start with my history with gambling. I started playing when I was 21. I live in Las Vegas and I would only put 20$ in a machine to hang out with my friends and would never bet more than the minimum because I thought gambling was stupid. Somehow from that point I would play blackjack and it was fun and exciting. From there it grabbed a hold of and I was sacrificing time and money that should have been spent on/with my family. I reached a low at that time when my husband basically had to drag me out of a casino after I had cash advanced 5k. He wanted to leave me. I started to go to G.A. and had a good stretch of gambling free time. I was so much happier. A couple years later he leaves anyway and I somehow find myself gambling again, but this time it’s much worse. In the past 2 years I have probably lost around 100k I’m shuffling around credit etc just to stay above water. Every time I have a big loss I go into a serious depression and I tell myself never again and I have usually made it to around 3 months and I start to feel better and then BAM I do the same thing. It’s a viscous cycle that if I don’t stop will be my demise if I don’t find a way to stop. I stumbled upon this site and I want to make a commitment to come here every day and share my struggle and hopefully my success. I’m scared sad hopeless today, but hopeful for tomorrow and the days to come. Friday I called out of work lied to my family to spend all my money and of course didn’t leave until every last penny was gone on Saturday morning. So day 1 here, but day 2 gambling free. Thank you for listening.
Amber -
11 marraskuun 2019, 5:58 pm #53049BadsportsbettorOsallistuja
Hey just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this journey. This addiction is real. And we as a community need to work together to stop it. Sending you strength and hope!
11 marraskuun 2019, 6:43 pm #53050Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Losing the money has sucked, but by no means has it been the worst thing I’ve lost to this addiction. It’s time trust love things that will take far longer to get back than the money and some of which just like the money I will never get back. My last relapse my best friend is in town from New York and instead of spending the time with her I gave it to my addiction the time before that it was my birthday and instead of starting the year off being excited for the prospects I was depressed because I’m still doing the same old shit the time before that was Mother’s Day when I should’ve been at home with my family but once again I was giving everything I had to my addiction. On Friday during my last relapse I’m saying to the players on the table with me as long as I have a chip I have a chance but I didn’t realize as long as I’m playing with the chips and have no chance
11 marraskuun 2019, 7:58 pm #53051Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I plan to come here daily and remember all the things I always seem to forget and ***** my days and one day at a time hope to get to the number that is all the days of my life
12 marraskuun 2019, 12:23 am #53052BadsportsbettorOsallistuja
Yes you are extremely right. Some of the worst things this addiction brings is it turns us into liars and steals our true selves. The amount of time I have blown off with friends and family is just sickening! The thing about getting free of this addiction is we need to be kind on ourselves and realize nothing we change about the past but today. We can own today. Then today turns into tomorrow and we can own that 2, and before we know it we have 30 days. And keep on going.
12 marraskuun 2019, 1:25 am #53053Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thank you for the encouraging words. I want so much for the pain I feel right now to go away but there’s a large part of me that hopes it never does because in this moment the grief of everything I have done is enough to make me have no desire to inflict more of it on myself or my loved ones and I know I won’t gamble with these fresh hard feelings. For me it’s when I start to feel better it’s like I forget what we’ve already been through and I slip back in. So hard to want to be kind to myself what I have to do is forgive myself and NEVER forget
12 marraskuun 2019, 9:37 am #53054duncOsallistuja
Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums
Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!
Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.
As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)
And on that note….
I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂
Take care
The Gambling Therapy Team
PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!
12 marraskuun 2019, 4:20 pm #53055Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
So today is day 3 for me…never been a scary day for me really since I am more of a binge gambler…naturally I have been running thru things in my mind over and over again the past 3 days and I have noticed something that I want to make myself very aware of… this whole year has been a total shot show with all my gambling but the latter part of it being the worst. Mother’s Day bad relapse # 1 in may down the road 3 months later bad relapse #2 my birthday August and today bad and LAST relapse #3 November. I am seeing a pattern that looks like 3 months long and I am writing it down now so I know to be extra weary…although I’m hoping to forever be weary… on the 3 month area. Stay strong be safe ❤️
12 marraskuun 2019, 4:42 pm #53056Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Something else I’d like to get off my chest. It’s actually sickening I’ve spent these gambling years comparing myself to other people and as long as I was somehow better off than them then what I was doing in my own sick mind wasn’t so bad And that is awful. The person I have become is awful. The person I will become is yet another thing I have to look forward to in my recovery. I can’t wait to meet her again
12 marraskuun 2019, 5:33 pm #53057Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Another thing after reading many posts over the past few days and having the same thoughts of my own of where I could’ve been and should’ve been had I not done what I done embarrassment thankful that I am here now where I need to be on this journey of trying to change and have the support and encouragement of all of you who are going through the same thing at the same time I’m thankful that there are others out there willing to share their pain in their journey and that do hard workAnd accountability and Perseverance there can be a positive outcome Day three is so far from where I want to be But it is three days closer to it
13 marraskuun 2019, 9:38 am #53058Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I went to a psychic today…. unfortunately she did not see an easy way out
She saw desire and hard work but she did not see success no matter the temptations. I think it’s up to me -
14 marraskuun 2019, 3:27 pm #53059Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I’m here 5 days Gf. Onwards and upwards ❤️
14 marraskuun 2019, 4:53 pm #53060Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I got a call from the casino I just lost all of my money to on Saturday. They have 600$ in free bet chips for me. The call got me very flustered I was back and forth about going and getting maybe at least 600 of my money back. So instead I came here and read and read and reaffirmed that even if I did it would not be worth the piece of mind of my recovery will give me. So I decided to let them keep what they have so that hopefully I’ll be able to keep what of me I have and eventually be able to reclaim the rest of the truly important things I have lost. Trust love respect honesty the person I was before giving in to this disease. I have given it enough I will not give it another chance to take more. Time to win back my family’s trust and love and my own trust and love in myself. I can do it. We can do it
14 marraskuun 2019, 5:19 pm #53061MurrS7Osallistuja
I just read your thread. I have felt every emotion you explained and I feel your pain in your words. It actually breaks my heart to read others threads sometimes. Sometimes I don’t even come on here because I get very emotional and have so much sympathy for what you and others are Going through.. it makes me just want to break down because I can’t help myself or others at times, but I hope through my words and the words of others, today will be a bit easier for you than yesterday, and tomorrow will be a bit easier than today. Like you, I have ruined many special occasions because of this evil addiction. Sneaking away from loved ones on their birthdays to gamble ,New Years eve party leave friends again, go gamble, New Years before leave my girlfriend in tears tk go gamble , mothers days this year Leave my family to go gamble with THEIR money they gave me to pay off debts, these are only a few of the timeC there are plenty more I can name for days. Stuff like this made me feel like a bad boyfriend, friend, and worst of all, SON. But then I realized something. We are good people with a bad addiction. Don’t treat yourself as if you are a bad person, because you are not. You are a good person . I want you to know that. Addiction is not easy to understand for ourselves and for others, but what my councillor has taught me is it’s not us vs us. It’s us vs our brains, and our brains need re wiring. We made a mistake and the worst thing we can do is not
Learn from it, but we might not be able to do it by ourselves. I went tk GA and one on one, I prefer one on one but I should have kept going to GA because you see the rawness of what gambling can do to you. I’ve seen millionaires turn homeless. I’ve seen happy families broken apart from
This evil addiction. There is no bottom to this. I thought my bottom was 10k, then to 15, 20, 25,30,35…. i only had to stop because I had 0$ left to play with. Not one cent left of credit. And part of me is happy that it happened. They say something traumatic has to happen with this before you
Stop. And that was it for me. I know it’s hard and some
Days will be worse than others; but treat yourself with kindness. Be gentle with your self. Don’t tell your mind negative things, that will only make matters worse through
This dark storm. I’m rooting for you
And want you to know you are not alone. You are worth it and you are worth living a happy, gamble free life again. You’ve done it before, so you can do it again. Keep posting, and post if you feel the urge to gamble, my mistake is I would post only after a relapse, I had already failed.
Keep going Amber, one day at a time. -
14 marraskuun 2019, 6:37 pm #53062Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and reminder to try and be kind to ourselves. Strange how it feels comforting to know others are going thru the same thing although I would wish this on no one ever. A lot of pain in this path so far but so much joy if we can continue the path to recovery. I spent the day reading your journal yesterday and I was right there with you. I was so excited and happy for you when you were getting up to the 60 days and cried for you in the past few months of your journey. It was inspirational to see that no matter what you were still here to try and try again and so many people here to encourage. I hope that I can see you get beyond those 60 days again and that I will be there right along with you!!! we will beat this!!! sending love and support!!! Thank you so very much
14 marraskuun 2019, 6:46 pm #53063Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
This was a message sent to me from a fellow gambler the day of my last relapse after I resisted his encouragement to come back to the casino to reclaim “my” money :
I’m proud of you! You resisted my temptation..lol now you need to remember today the next time you get the urge to gamble,,You lost $11,000 dollars you probably feel like shit because you lost, probably didn’t get much sleep, your boyfriend is pissed at you.,so basically you went to a casino last night to torcher yourself lol so unless your into pain, lol I strongly suggest you keep this text and every time you get the urge to gamble read it. It might save you from another bad day! Love ya!
I hope to be saved from all of those bad days in my future -
14 marraskuun 2019, 9:52 pm #53064Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
So after my last relapse I was honest with my husband well ex husband/ boyfriend and I was also honest with my children who are 10 and 12. Is this something I should talk to my children about? I’m worried I did the wrong thing
14 marraskuun 2019, 11:21 pm #53065joyceg33Osallistuja
Hi Amber,
CONGRATULATIONS on Day 5… keep it going!! Along with many others I’ve been in the same circumstances as you.
I only recently told my kids, the youngest is 16. They said they already knew I had a problem years back. We always seem to underestimate our kiddos. They are smarter beyond their years. I feel much closer to them now that I’ve told them and they help me cope with many things… it’s brought us closer.
My therapist advised me it is good to tell your kids… great communication in all things is usually necessary. He’s a recovering alcoholic and in his experience, informing the kids is a positive and necessary thing because there’s a great possibility that they have addictive personalities as well. That part sucks to hear, I know. But as parents, we always want to protect our kids. By you telling them your story (what you feel is appropriate) will at least give them first hand knowledge of the negative effects of gambling. The only winners are the casinos and gambling establishments.
I hope this helps! Just know I’ll be keeping tabs on you and look forward to hearing all the positives to come into your life now!
Best wishes and take care!
15 marraskuun 2019, 1:22 am #53066Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thank you so much for the advice!! It does help tremendously… in the future I plan to be much more in depth with them. So sad I never wanted to take any part of their childhood away from them… just crazy what addiction can do ugh. I never even thought about the fact that I could pass on my addictive behavior… really hoping they take after their dad!! Really appreciate the support and advice!! Sending love, strength and blessings!!
15 marraskuun 2019, 3:33 am #53067joyceg33Osallistuja
That’s what we’re here for…. to seek advice, give advice, learn from the bad experiences, share in the good and strive to make each day better, gamble free.
And I’ll take the love, strength and blessings! Thank you 🙂
15 marraskuun 2019, 7:24 pm #53068Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Today I won back a little bit of time a little bit of trust a little bit of hope all of things I gambled with because today I will not gamble and I will relentlessly be chasing those losses for the rest of my life. I hope all of you are winning today too. Love strength and hope ❤️
16 marraskuun 2019, 4:52 am #53069Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
So I just did the calculations and thanks to my latest relapse I will be working for free until December 29 but the good news is that day I will be 50 days gamble free I can’t wait what a great way to start the new year
16 marraskuun 2019, 4:52 am #53070Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
So I just did the calculations and thanks to my latest relapse I will be working for free until December 29 but the good news is that day I will be 50 days gamble free I can’t wait what a great way to start the new year
16 marraskuun 2019, 6:16 pm #53071i-did-itOsallistuja
That truly is the best way to start the new year Amber!
Keep working at it ! -
16 marraskuun 2019, 11:23 pm #53072Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
One week happier!! Still feeling so much guilt and remorse but it’s a walk not a sprint and as long as I’m going in the right direction I’ll be ok
18 marraskuun 2019, 4:50 am #53073Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Spend a lot of the day being sad about what I’ve done, especially in this past year, but I’m happy if I continue down this path I will never have to feel this way again
18 marraskuun 2019, 6:32 pm #53074Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Staying strong. Sending love hope and strength to all! Praying for all of our success ❤️
18 marraskuun 2019, 7:01 pm #53075BadsportsbettorOsallistuja
just wanted to say that does seem like a long time and paying for bad choices sucks. I will be paying off my debts for 1-2 years unfortunatel. That being said what is getting me through is knowing if i can do this. I will never have that problem ever again. We do this because it will only get worse and be a problem for the rest of our lives if we don’t tackle it!
20 marraskuun 2019, 1:21 am #53076Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thank you for the reminder and also remember all the intangible things that we will also gain with the tackling of this sickness. There’s not enough money in the world that would make me want to give those up. I will get there and so will you!! ❤️
20 marraskuun 2019, 1:26 am #53077Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I have spent so much time over the last 5 years wishing I wouldn’t have done this or wishing I would’ve done that, but no matter how hard I wish I can’t change that. What I wish now is that I can be the best mother, partner, friend and person that I should have been all along. And this is a wish that I can make come true as long as I stay dedicated to my recovery. I’m done wishing to change the past and I’m willing to change my future!! ❤️
20 marraskuun 2019, 4:54 am #53078MurrS7Osallistuja
I believe you can live the rest of your days on earth gamble free, I believe you have had enough of the feeling of the damage gambling has done and will continue to do should you continue. I believe you are enlightened and have mental clarity and have found peace in moving forward to brlighter and better days gamble free. Never stop believing in yourself and your ability to live gamble free. You can, I can, we all can if we really want it bad enough. There was a good video I watched from Eric Thomas. Listen to the words when you get a chance. He says ”when you want to succeed, as bad as you want to breathe… then you will be successful” keep going Amber, you got this!!!
21 marraskuun 2019, 3:50 pm #53079Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thanks Murr that was really encouraging! And yes we can and we will!!! gamble free is the only life for me!!! And you and all of us!!❤️
21 marraskuun 2019, 3:52 pm #53080Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Staying strong. Remembering all the ways my life will improve with never gambling again.
23 marraskuun 2019, 7:29 am #53081Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Gambling was a storm that I always figured out how to keep an umbrella for… but there has always been the rainbow right above my head and it’s here with this great supportive community and inside me all along but unfortunately I had to let lightning strike me before I saw the rainbow… I choose peace I choose sunshine I choose to not get another umbrella because the rainbow was always there but I just always liked the rain so I would endure the storm… I’m changing my ways … chasing rainbows
24 marraskuun 2019, 9:59 pm #53082Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thankful to be here and thankful for where I can be if I keep going
26 marraskuun 2019, 8:31 pm #53083Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I’m here at day 17 and I have my brother in from out of town so I’m trying to find lots of no gambling activities for us. People always want to gamble when they come here but I can’t and I won’t!!
30 marraskuun 2019, 4:21 pm #53084Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Feeling pretty good about it. I had family here and didn’t gamble. I have nothing else coming up that I worry about misleading me. For now anyway I’m happy to keep focus keep coming here keep reading to try and stay on the only path for me. Gambling free
30 marraskuun 2019, 4:41 pm #53085SteevOsallistuja
I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to try and stop gambling when you live in Las Vegas. My gambling took place in England and most cities only have 2 or 3 casinos. Banning yourself is relatively straightforwards – but there you must have so many!
Keep posting – I know you said in your OP that the 3 month mark is most difficult for you – so I am guessing that will be in mid-February, so be good to see you still posting then. You can also chat to people in the support groups here. I expect to be there over Christmas and New Year.
All the best to you and keep strong!
5 joulukuun 2019, 7:49 am #53086Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Yes it does make it a bit more challenging in a city with really endless options of where to gamble … one night I stayed in the same spot until I had spent every last penny I didn’t even realize I had to use the bathroom until the desperate search for my car in the urgent get out of here ASAP fml what have I done post misery I peed in the stairwell and they said I can never go back to the property… I then thought maybe I could just go pee in every stairwell and solve my problem. Of course this is ridiculous but they really won’t let me go until I spend every last dollar. 3 months has repeatedly been my downfall and I think 7 months has been my crowning moment in the past 7 years…. but I am here to change my life forever. I will be here to find and give encouragement. I have tried to join the group without success. I can’t figure out the time difference and when I get lucky enough to find one to join no one responded
5 joulukuun 2019, 7:55 am #53087Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Staying strong. I went to a bar a few days ago and normally I would have justified 20$ to get free drink but I decided nope I will definitely lose in the long run. I happily paid for my drink. I’m trying to be strong and different. I hope you are finding strength and hope. I love you all. We are fighting the same thing. United we stand right?!?
5 joulukuun 2019, 5:38 pm #53088MurrS7Osallistuja
Nearly one month is such a great achievement. ESP living where you do. Vegas is and was my downfall for my major relapses. I love Vegas so much … yet the 3 times I’ve been ive relapsed worse than the previous time and I continue my binge when I get back to my city chasing my losses from Vegas.. each chase being worse than the previous. I love Vegas so much yet I know I can never return.. well.. never say never right. I’d love to be able to go to my fav pool parties one day and not gamble while I’m there, I pray one day I’m able to. I can tell in your words that you are determined to stop this time.. you sound like you are on the right path and I’m very proud of your near one month gamble free mark. 21 days to break a habit right ? You got this amber.. never look back.. remember all the pain gambling has caused and remember how amazing you feel without gambling.. and watch the financials grow and the mental health get better day by day, enjoying what’s important in life, family, friends, and memories! Gamble free memories! Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy New Years. Take care my friend. Much love all the way from Canada.
5 joulukuun 2019, 6:18 pm #53089SteevOsallistuja
Yes – the time difference is difficult. There are facilitated groups in the early evening UK time on Mondays and Thursdays – but I guess that will be around noon in LA which is not easy if you are working. If you log onto one when it is 4am in the UK then you are really relying on people in your area to be there – none of those are facilitated.
It may be worth searching to see if there are chat forums on similar sites to this based in the US or Canada – or there maybe chat in some quit gambling facebook groups (if you do fb.) There is also Smart recovery – which is for all addictions – not just gambling but I know some on here have found that useful.
Good to hear that you are determined to beat this. I’m sure you can. Keep strong.
6 joulukuun 2019, 2:54 pm #53090Seanraj4731Osallistuja
Hello amber
I have read your journal and yes you will be a conquer over this you will be the standing strong over the will to go back into it. I believe in you and with the support from every individual here to encourage each other to uplift each other everyday every moment. I am going to stay committed to this today is my day one. And i will urge you to continue staying positive. -
10 joulukuun 2019, 1:01 am #53091alras0011Osallistuja
I actually posted my first post here 3 days ago. Im GF for 3 days, and these forums help for sure. I have been single and lonely for 2 years, and while Im in good shape, my last relationship messed up me a bit that I dont trust women any more as she took $250K of mine in LAW SETTLEMENT, just cuz last few years I made a shit ton money. In retrospect, I think it was gambling that reduced my sex drive as the dopamine rush from the wins (not discounting the eventual loss) was enough for me to run to casinos and not spend time with my wife (now ex). Though i just kinda fell out of love as well. But I think it was gambling that spiraled my senses and value of money in an abyss of absolute shit, fecal mater, and an amalgamation of the nasties crap you can think of. My trigger had been very crazy. Im a film maker and most do commercial photography and films. Everytime, Id finish an edit, to reward myself, Id go autopilot to a casino, and on my way back Id somehow talk and reason to my sane self with an alter-ego of a total con artist, scammer, and low life piece of shit, that what else could I do. I dont enjoy anything in this city as most of my friends work during the days, and I have so much free time. After losing a shit ton to casinos, and in a divorce, I yet hadnt hit rock bottom, and my sane self took over and I came to these forums. I had to start being honest with myself, and get back to valuing money again. Somehow, we all gamblers think going out to clubs/bars/movies isnt as worth it as a casino, cuz on a good night of fun you blow $100-200 anyways, but in Casino you do have some odds of making some money back, have a few loud bursts of glory, fist pumps, and false sense of security that this is what rich kids do. In a few years, I have come to realize how much of the world I have missed out travelling to as I have not only been a gambling addict, but an addict of showing negative balances in all my accounts until the next big pay day comes and I feel secure, that Im still alive. ”im still alive”, a phrase many of us live by in the casinos on that one win on our last chip that we might have yet another lifeline to win it all back. And then boom, that is gone. I just hated the feeling of walking out, like a junkie, smoking my lungs away, judging down on all the low life degenerates around me, not realizing, I was the biggest one there. Its been 3 days, and I just got a big pay day today (by big I mean over 10K), and today I didnt go. I wont go tomoro either, because, I literally wrote down all the places I wanted to travel to and didnt with my ex wife. Im a good golfer, and summers I rarely gamble cuz Im golfing with my buddies and my league on sunday. But today I calculated that in last one month alone I had blown over $4400 of which $1800 were on one single night of just 2.5 hrs. Today, I just booked a flight to the island of Kauai, hawaii for January 15-23 ($550), booked a car ($325), a hotel ($1100), and a golf pass for $600 at Princeville Makai Golf Club, and googled if there was a Taco Bell on the island. Luckily, there are two… I will be ordering 3 books which I plan to binge read on this trip with my car parked near the pretty mountains or some beach… Even with $800 of spending money while there and back, I would not be spending more than $3300. I will go alone! A lot of us fear doing things alone, and we run to casinos to fight our boredom and loneliness to take refuge amongst other degenerates for a few ours before we start feeling miserable again. There is no glory in chasing the one win that would make it all go away. That only happens in movies or one in a million of us (even they end up back). Some of us may not afford to do what I will be doing, and Im not bragging, but Im truly putting a value to the money in creating a positive memory that I can revisit later when im down, and plan on saving more and more, to do just that. Id rather die one day not remembering the days and times I felt shit walking out of a casino, but the beautiful sunsets, the gushing sounds and crisp mist of waterfalls, while enjoying a couple of cheesy chilli burritos with hot sauce from Taco Friggin Bell!
10 joulukuun 2019, 1:24 am #53092Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
Thank yo so much for all your uplifting thoughts and encouraging words! They mean a lot and are very helpful. I did always think how will I be able to conquer this addiction living here of all places and many times have thought I should just move, run away from it all, but no matter where I go I can’t leave myself behind… so my only option is to change. And I will and I know that we all can and will as long as we keep wanting it as badly as we do right now. Wishing you strength and love and a very Merry Christmas ❤️ May we all give ourselves the best gift of all. A life free from gambling
10 joulukuun 2019, 1:29 am #53093Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I believe you when you say that I will be standing over this disease one day just as you will!! This site was a godsend to me in the very sad days of regret and shame and I will stay here forever to get and give all the support I can because any given day can be the first day of the rest of our new life!! Congratulations on the best decision to be gambling free!!! Sending you lots of love and strength!!❤️
10 joulukuun 2019, 1:35 am #53094Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
It’s really crazy to have to really sit back and really do the accounting of really what we lose to gambling…. if I could have all the money back that I lost I would happily pay all of it to get back all the trust and memories and time that really mattered from my loved ones… but neither of those sinarios will happen… so now I chose to never lose an ounce or moment or minute again. Kudos to you for starting your new life and I think you’re doing a really cool thing to commemorate it!! Keep strong ❤️
10 joulukuun 2019, 1:39 am #53095Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
I know that the road ahead is still so very long… but it doesn’t feel as daunting as it did 30 days ago…. I feel like my resolve is different this time and that I’m changing little by little… and for the better for once in the past few years. Gamble free is definitely the life for me!!❤️
10 joulukuun 2019, 10:40 am #53096Seanraj4731Osallistuja
Repeat this mantra ”Why Do Something Over & Over Expecting Different Results” Positive mindset brings positive growth. Keep on keeping on Amber you got this. The temptations will grow stronger in your mind only if you let it redirect your focus on your self worth and goals you gonna achieve. I applaud you. Stay strong my fren you got this. I am thankful to read that you are doing it i am gonna as well I am on Day 5 keeping strong. Have a great day. And keep posting.
30 joulukuun 2019, 7:10 am #53097Amber_DisfordoneOsallistuja
So now I’ve 43 days gamble free… I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want this next year to mean for me … and of course I would love it to be an entirely gamble free year, and that would be a great change !!! I also want to see all the other positive changes it will bring …. I will be a better friend better partner, better mother little by little and by the end of the year by staying strong and gamble free all these little movements will become quite big …. this is something I hope for myself and for all of us that are fighting to overcome our disease… and finding that each day that we don’t gamble is a little piece of the cure and we are that much closer to overcoming our illness.. God bless you and grant you strength and hope, healing and happiness ❤️
- Sinun täytyy olla kirjautunut vastataksesi tähän aiheeseen.