
((((((Pink))))))) Wanted to let you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you do decide to strike out on your own.  Yes, I am a CG but I was also in a very emotionally abusive relationship.  My partner was an enabler and was not supportive when I entered recovery so that I would continue gambling and he could control me.  He was a hoarder, used me financially and was also a *** addict.  I stayed in the relationship far longer than I should have because I was afraid of change, afraid of the future and had no resources.  He ended the relationship on my birthday and threw me out of his house when he realized that he could no longer control me, I was finally coming out of my gambling fog and seeing things for what they really were.  I ended up moving back in with my ex husband and son for 6 months until I got back on my feet and was able to afford to rent an apartment and get the things I needed.  I love my freedom now, I can make my own decisions and enjoy coming home to my little place – because it’s MINE.  I met a wonderful man 3 months ago but am taking things slow in order to make sure it’s the right thing for me.  I will never be a victim again, I am worth so much more.  Whatever decision you make, do what’s best for you.  Fear of the unknown can hold us hostage and so much of this wonderful life slips away from us.  Take care of yourself, Pink, you deserve better.  Debbie