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Hi All,
It was lovely to wake up to all those lovely posts…thank you so much, and Larry, i love that story, i need to take a bit of that advice myself methinks!!!
So, Dames is relishing in the role…he has been spending money all over the  Im not sure just how long it will be before he checks the account and says to me..where has all the money gone??? To which i will reply.."how would i know, you have the keycard!"
We are off to the football today, im really looking forward to it although it is absolutely freezing here this morning.  The ground we are off to has a roof so im sure it will be closed.  Ive actually had a nice weekend, pottering around the house, so this will top it off nicely.
Meg, i do understand how Dames thinks the way he does..15 years of deciet isnt going to go away overnight, and i dont expect it to, hence giving him the keycard.  Our only fights are over money mainly, and i find it exhausting, so im ensuring some peace in this house if i possibly can!!! Time will tell how things go, but if thats all it takes, im more than willing to do it.
My boys have been fabulous in the holidays…only a week to go until they are back.  Bailey even vacummed the lounge room for me yesterday, bless him.  Anyway, just a little update, thank god for Breas laptop, i would be going mad if i didnt have one.  Hope you are all well and happy.
Take care, bye for now, Kathryn xxxTo live, that would be a great adventure – Peter Pan