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thanks a lot all for posting on my new thread.. i am not sure whether it is possible to revive the old thread as i was so attached to it. well, the lessons are learnt the hard way for us CG’S. i did not take action on that day and ended up adding to my losses. again that craving returned and overcame my resolve. but the very next day i have put gamblock on my laptop so hopefully not any more now. you are right ican that i should use it as a lesson and built my recovery much more stronger on it. thanks vera for reminding me how much this money means to me and how important it is to keep it safe. i worked very hard on my recovery and made every day count in last 22 months.. cannot afford to go back in the darkness again though i must say it is so easy to slip back and once again you loose interest in everything else in life. working long shifts this weekend and trying to think positive. though i have lost a huge sum in just 3 gambling nights but cannot keep cursing myself and ending up trying to recover some of it.
i feel ashamed of myself that when i knew it well , still i did not stop myself on the very first night. but what happened has happened.. looking positively to the future once again.. may be i needed this kick to remind myself how close to disaster i was.
vera, i wish you had a longer recovery but we have to try every day and after every relapse.. that is hard fact of our life and that is difficult to change.. thanks once again for all your support.