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Thanks, good reminder to check out….again. Was in casino several hours ago
and lost a considerable amount of money, months of wages. After 12 or so years
it only gets worse especially when Im losing. There have sporadic periods of selfexclusion etc.
but i have short memeory.Was good n beginning for a few years in recovery until I stopped.
Wishing if I had only follwed a few suggestions which i did for a periond,
“dont go in or near gambling establiushmets. Dont tempt or tempt yourself.
I dont know how I am going to feel after I sleep and wakeup to reality but it helps to tell myself addiction is a sickness
and I am not well, not a bad person. Usaually there is a dread and bit of insanity for days or weeks, no idea
what to expect but felt the need to connect even if it this text. I am afraid how this ganbling hangover will affect my work, etc. next while.
test yourself”