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    • #31360

      Hi, i am new here.
      Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I came across this page through a bingo page i usually play on. I clicked on it out of curiosity.
      I know i have a gambling problem but i enjoy playing so much, its sad.
      I have been playing about a year now. The money i have spent gambling i know i could have brought a really nice brand new car or pay a lot of money of my mortgage. I don’t care (deep down i know i do) because of the buzz it gives me. Nothing else can fill in that.
      It has got me into so much debt i will now be 5 years paying them with my whole wage. I have took time of work just to play, saying i was ill.
      The thing is the first time i started playing a year ago i put it down to my depression treatment. Feeling the pills made me addictive, i have no idea this is possible. But when my pills were changed i totally forgot about playing. I talked to my family and they took my computer, even so i found ways i could of played but didn’t.
      Now i am on a new treatment again and the addiction has come back. I am embarrassed to talk to m family again and basically will have to ask them for money to help cover my over debt. Which is totally unfair as they are paying for my addiction with their own money. I have promised to pay them back. But that will be in five years time and its so far away i just keep looking for a quick way to make money.
      I don’t know how to handle this situation no more.

    • #31361


      Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

      Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!

      Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

      And on that note….

      I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂

      Take care

      The Gambling Therapy Team

      PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our
      privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    • #31362

      Hi Diamond and welcome to the forum.

      I’m sure you will be reading a lot that you can relate to on the other threads here. You will also be reading the success stories – what are they doing that you can apply to your own situation?

      If you think that five years sounds like a long time to be paying your debts then be honest with yourself – if you carry on gambling then it will be a lot longer.

      I loved gambling as well, even now i know that I would love a day at the races, a game of cards with friends. The thing is though that there comes a time when we have to decide on whether what we „love“ about gambling is worth the chit that follows; unfortunately we can’t have one without the other.

      If you are at the point when you can make that decision then you can stop. You can get yourself banned from the sites that you use, you can get yourself a blocker for your PC so that you can’t visit other sites, you could get to Gamblers Anonymous meetings or other support.

      Talk to your Dr, be honest and tell him about the effects those drugs have on you. He could recommend a different treatment.

      You are worried about talking to your family? Well this time don’t just give them words and promises, this time show them by your actions how you are going to move forward from this.

      You could also get some proper financial advice so that your family don’t have to bail you out. There are a lot of options around these days from bankruptcy to repayment plans with a lot in between. Being bailed out isn’t always the best idea – if my own family were still bailing me out then I’d likely still be gambling.

      I hope you find the right answer to that question. Carry on gambling and however bad you think things are right now it will get worse. It’s a progressive problem.

      Keep posting and let us know the positive actions you are taking.

    • #31363

      Today is a hard day. I just want to play and have no more money. i am in debt. It will be forever before i will ever be able to save up again.
      I can’t go to work today because this is making me so sad and cry. Its hard. Today i think it has finally hit me on how much money i have lost and in the stupid situation i have put myself in.
      I hate it so much because i still want to play. Nothing makes me feel as happy asa when i play… shopping, holidays, going out with friends.. nothing.

    • #31364

      Ok Diamond, You have no money so you can’t gamble. So maybe now would be a good time to take some of those positive steps so that when you do have funds again you don’t just dig the hole deeper again?

      You can stop gambling I promise you which of the things I mentioned previously do you think you can give a try to?

    • #31365

      Thanks for answering. i made it to work, thats something.
      As for what i am worry for is i have to pay some money back before a certain time very soon. I talked to my family but i don’t want them to give me more money to pay for my addiction but i hope they can help me get one last loan so i can pay back the money i owe now.
      I know i have to pay my debts for five years. I don’t mind that being on my back to do so. Its just kills me when i have to use my families money or ask them to help me get a loan.
      Once i pay up the last payments i have decided to get rid of my home internet and my computer. It will be boring but i hope to go running instead.
      i know i will have bad days… but i am determined.

    • #31366

      i have spent money i haven’t got again and will have to give it back in one month time. I can’t turn to my family for help and i can’t get no more loans out to see me through this, i have been to the bank for help too but hasn’t worked.
      I really don’t know what to do.
      Can someone help me please, some advice…

    • #31367

      What is your financial situation? How much debt are you in… be brutally honest and don’t kid yourself (I used to do it) I will help if you explain your financial sitaution

    • #31368

      What are the steps to recovery when you have a gambling problem?
      What should i do? I have autoexcluded myself from all games but still look for places to play.

    • #31369

      The first step is to stop playing the victim card.

      The second step is to stop gambling.

      You know what makes you gamble. You know what you can do to block yourself from doing it. The question is WILL you take action or just keep playing the victim card and continue gambling? The truth is every time you gamble it’s you choosing to do so. You are choosing to further destroy your life and affecting the lives of those close to you. Have you got the guts to choose not to keep going down this path? You need to understand this and don’t use the excuse that gambling is something you cannot control. Take action today. Self-exclude, hand over your finances to your family.

      Good luck.

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