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I am having trouble figuring out how to get to the latest posts on people’s threads. I had my bone scan and the results were that a ligament partially separated from the bone. The treatment is what I was doing and that was to rest my foot. I still have swelling and it looks like a bone is sticking up at the injury site, below the skin. But it is getting better. I started to walk for 30 minutes a day, 2 days ago. I found the most incredible health tool online, and it is called myfitnesspal. It allows you to enter your exercise and food intake and it calculates your calories, amount of protein, sugars, fats, etc. Cats are doing well. They have bonded so well that they are always curled up together, grooming each other faces, and spend all their time in each other’s company. The only time they seek affection from me is at bedtime. The rest of the time they are meeting each other’s emotional and physical needs. It wasn’t exactly what I had hoped for, but at least I know they are happy together. I did not get a job interview for the 3 positions I applied for. I can say that I wasn’t seriously looking for a job but I should do that. Danny is in St. Louis with a childhood friend and they are spending time with another childhood friend who was an NHL professional player. I had to drive him three hours to catch his plane in Calgary as I had spent 6 hours in Emerg with him due to generalized Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. He was feeling unsafe to drive those three hours, so I said I would drive him, so he wouldn’t miss his trip. He really wants us to get back together but nothing has changed as far as his anger management goes. He says that the separation eats at him 25 hours a day.I have a lease for my suite till the end of June, and am thinking of buying a condo, as I am sick of yardwork. If I want flowers I can plant some on the balcony. I don’t miss the country one wee bit. I have become close to someone I worked with for many years in Edmonton. That fills some of the emotional void I have been feeling. We talk on the phone and on facebook, and we walk outside together. We have a lot in common and she is a devoted grandmother. I don’t see my granddaughter often as she spends time with her friends and has school work to do, which is fine with me. We did go down Whyte Avenue which is an artsy fartsy avenue and we went into unique shops and bought a few things. I took silly pictures of her wearing old fashioned hats and glasses, and of her wearing a unicorn mask that we found in one shop. It was just like old times we used to have. Red used to be my favorite color and it is now my favorite color once again. I bought a bright red necklace even though I haven’t worn make-up or jewellery in years. I can see myself doing that soon. I never wanted to draw attention to myself, because I didn’t feel good about myself. I like living alone as it is so relaxing. Carole